Our stars NEED songs of their own, who's in charge of this?

blue_bird said:
Cheshire Blue said:
Sadly its a waste of time my friend. Iv seen some brilliant song ideas on here, just sheer brilliance and they never get started, or get going.

For example, the adebayor song (the one to the darts song) and we end up with the hung like an elephant song witch IMO is cringe worthy, borders on racism and insults the guys wife.

You're not the guy who was scrapping with a bluewatcher at the back of 116 over this are you?!

I was sat near these lads who were close to scrapping on saturday, and it all started because of that elephant song. I agreed with the chubby one who was slagging the song off and joined in with him when he tried to get the darts one going....... unfortunately not many others did....

the darts song is a belter and would sound great when you get a full end singing it
the adebayor chant better get going its been in my head for 2 days now!!

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxam3OkX-Zk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxam3OkX-Zk</a>
cant spell-dont care said:
This thred is doing my head in, loads of poeple who sit in colin bell stand getting anoyed at poepel singing the wrong songs while they sit there with their bovrils.
Everyone saying well i dont like this song but i sit in the wrong part of the ground so i cant help. u Dont like the songs sing a different one.

so what your saying is if you cant start a song yourself you cant have an opinion ??

Personally I hate the Adebayor song, and I think the darts version woul dbe a lot better, and whilst I sit in Colin Bell I know I am not alone in that comment.
To the tune of "give me hope, Joanna" or whatever it is called.

Give me goals Jo-lee-on
goals jo-lee-on
give me goals jo-lee-on
when the corner comes
Whoa we're going down to Portsmouth
Wo, back to the palm trees
wo, we're going to see you girlfriends,
wo, we've heard they spread their knees

To, wo were going to Barbados
Apologiess ladies.

or, if we are winning, how about

oh my god I can't believe it
we've never been this good away from home.

Hat coat ... .gone!
quiet_riot said:
We've got Robinho
We've got Craig Bellamy
Ireland is Superman

Our ultra-intelligent fanbase only knows one tune.

i quite agree my freind. we should replace these (except the ireland one) with...


hi ho, hi ho weve got robinho
he'll shoot, he'll score
he'll do much more
hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho


for sure, he'll score, the great adebayor
no need to guess
he'll hit the net
for sure, for sure, for sure, for sure

but there is no chance these will catch on unless for example one person starts singing it in a coach going to the swamp and it carries on into the ground

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