PA For Spurs Game New Info

[/Steven] said:
Can't they create their own atmosphere, why do they need a singer to do it for them?

What a load of shite.

You're a really shit troll Steven

I'd love to see Spurs fans lighten up a bit more often instead of having no sense of humour
Pre match entertainment, whats the problem. If everyone been reading threads last few months this is exactly what a lot suggested or similar, 6 hrs to go come on city
the goats backside said:
Pre match entertainment, whats the problem. If everyone been reading threads last few months this is exactly what a lot suggested or similar, 6 hrs to go come on city

Pre match entertainment is not allowed. Football is serious business.

Why Dont we give it a chance before we fucking moan about it? Its not even beend confirmed has it? Have we not got better things to be doing other than moaning about the club trying things to make it better for everybody?
kramer said:
Just so that it doesn't get lost in the other thread

I was speaking with Andy Derbyshire, the stadium and events manager, today about the PA in general and he confirmed that at tomorrow's game there will be a singer on the pitch singing City songs to get the crowd going! When the teams come out the PA will be silent, so it is up to us to generate the atmosphere

singer on the pitch CRINGEWORTHY
tonight we wont (shouldn't) need singers on the pitch , piped music etc

ffs MCFC just let 45000 blues sort it
Freestyler said:
When people see who is it, i guarantee they definitely won't be moaning.

Billy Bullshitter strikes again.

Never heard of the guy singing, nor did anyone around me. His rendition of Blue Moon was atrocious.

Poor show.

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