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Apprently its this guy doing the signing/beatboxing: [youtube][/youtube]
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

And this guy doing the dancing: [youtube][/youtube]
I am sure they will go the whole hog and get a classically trained singer, after all you cant beat a bit of opera singing to get a crowd chanting-Not!!!

Huge mistake, no doubt it will be that John Chrisitie (think that was his name) wh they wheeled out a few years ago and was utter crap.
Fuck me !!!
Remember the classic "Only Fools & Horses" night club scene ?????????
The guy all dressed up with his fake tan,false hairy chest,wid etc and started to sing :
CWYING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only City could do this to us !!!
Oh dear i really hope that the cameras wont show this happening on sky with people dancing to that "ya Freddy song"(off the MCFC website).
maybe its a bit of reverse psychology. Instead of livening the blues up maybe its aimed at making the spuds ashamed of their own legacy....


now that would be funny
This is so anti City (just let us get on with it FFS). Fuck the singer, here is the playlist:

We are not, were not really here.
Yer-ni-ted spells alot like debt to me....
If you hate Man-Ure Nited, clap yer hands..
La, la la la-la-la, la-la-la la City.
Adebayor, Adebayor cost less than Berbaflop, he scores alot more.
Bell-amy, Bell-amy.

Anything else that crops up worth a tune but with 60% more volume.

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