BingoBango said:
shaundickov said:
BingoBango said:
If the Government creates the laws and sets out the framework, then how can the criminal justice system be separated from politics?
Because politicans
do not apply the laws. If they did, then we would have a politically-manipulated legal system, which would be appalling.
The legal system is independent of politicans once the laws are passed. It's not hard to grasp.
I think Dominic Green would disagree with you.
In any case, this is irrelevant to my original point, that people who vote Labour are ultimately voting for lax sentences for criminals. Labour is a left wing party, and 'soft on crime' is a left wing mantra. Labour are responsible for setting guidelines for judges that are too soft, and also for furnishing prisons with playstations, dvd players, plasmas etc for 'human rights' (read 'criminal rights') reasons.
Actually the above is more decisions taken by European politicians, who now set around 70% of our rules and regulations. But because Labour agrees with it, they've gone back on their promise to hold a referendum to see what WE WANT.
Vote for a party who is tough on crime, and they will introduce laws that forbid a paedo rapist from being released from prison after just 4 months.