Paul Gascoigne

Yes, much lols all round, what a brilliant bloke he was. A pathological violent bullying roidhead who went on a murderous rampage simply because his girlfriend had the sheer gall to finish with him. Great bloke though. I can see why Gascoine the wife beating drunk would want to be friends with him, after all, they are both just misunderstood and not of it is fair. They are both utter ****s.
Highlight be fucked. Cant believe I just read that, or that someone actually liked it.
Everything ok at home pal?
The humour in this country has always been dark and a bit twisted. Nobody would have a good word for Moat or condone what he did, nor some of Gasgoine's antics. You can bet though that 90% of the country would have laughed out loud when the story broke that he was on his way to try and talk to Moat carrying a few cans of beer and a takeaway. The laughter would been one of an incredulous nature and disbelief, but people laughed at the time and continued to joke about it for some time afterwards, including professional comedians. That doesn't mean they found what Moat did amusing or Gasgoine beating up his wife. It was just a bizarre tale which was funny because it waz so bizarre.
No it wasnt. They were mates. He actually said when turning up there "Moaty wont shoot me I know him". It was bizarre he went to see his friend. Who the fuck would want to be friends with Raoul Moat?
No it wasnt. They were mates. He actually said when turning up there "Moaty wont shoot me I know him". It was bizarre he went to see his friend. Who the fuck would want to be friends with Raoul Moat?

I'm not sure they were actually mates but given that he worked on doors and Gasgoine was a pisshead their paths probably crossed out and about and they probably knew each other. Moat had quite a few friends who spoke well of him after his death although he struck me as a violent psychopathic bully but I didn't know him of course. Everyone has two sides to them and he won't be the first, or sadly the last, to kill or lose the plot over a failed love affair.

We are looking too deeply into it. The story " Gazza stopped carrying a takeaway, fishing rod and can's of beer on his way to talk to under siege fugitive Moat" would have had most people laughing, as I said in a " What the fuck,?" way, like it or not.
I watched the Netflix documentary on him the other day and as humorous and occasionally touching as it was it really pisses me off how they totally glossed over his violence and generally appalling behaviour towards Cheryl and her family. He’s a Narcissist of the highest order and I can’t help thinking that the better a sportsperson you are in this country the more the public is prepared to forgive you for otherwise unforgivable sins.
I recommend Cheryls book Surviving Gazza - after reading that it’s difficult to have any sympathy for the bloke.
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