Paul Lake leaves Manchester City

Re: Lakey.

whalley ranger said:
Can anyone shed any light on Paul Lakes position at the club? I'm hearing an opportunity arose that he couldn't turn down.
Shame if true, I love the passion he has for our club. A great ambassador and talks with great intelligence about the game.
Apollogies, I didn't see the thread (been on my jollies).
All the best Lakey, gutted to see you go.
Shame to lose such an prized asset to this club. Seems like such a nice bloke whenever I've come across him and carries himself really well in interviews. I was compelled to send him a message on twitter after reading his heartwarming autobiography (Anyone who hasn't read it please do) and he was good enough to reply back and thank me personally.

Good luck Paul in your future career, a proper blue.
I see from his twitter account that he's also giving up the Blue Tuesday job as well. Shame cos he really showed passion for the club and was always upbeat even after disappointing results. Will miss him on a Tuesday night, hope they don't replace him with Nigel Gleghorn.
Meet him at the CITC etihad tourmament a few weeks ago, what a nice bloke, spoke all the work we have done in CITC, they put on great day for us all. good luck lakey!!!
Watched him play from age 14 to his far too early end of career. Met him a few times at supporters meetings, in pubs and even on parks while we were watching our sons play football. Top, top player but an even better bloke. Good luck Paul. You've earned it and deserve it.
I had the pleasure to meet him and speak at length when he visited Faslane Naval Base with the Prem Trophy. He is a genuinely TOP bloke. Sorry to see him leave.

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