Pep’s Spurs (H) Post-Match Interview

Maybe pep if your obsession of controlling the game and playing a tactic where our front three hardly ever sees the ball and our most creative players aren’t too scared to lose possession and our back four know they aren’t going to be rotated each game maybe just maybe we would have more to shout about
I think I'll stick with Pep rather than your "tactical nous".
The media will no doubt focus more on his comments about the atmosphere and while I'm sure he does want more from the fans, he's clearly making these statements because he wants a reaction from the players who he feels have lost some of their hunger after what they've won in the last five years. He barely mentions the fans in the post-match press conference, it's all about the players and the club as a whole.

I think what Pep gains the most satisfaction from as a manager, other than the trophies of course, is to see his team playing with all the principles he believes in or as he likes to say "being ourselves" and right now he's not seeing it. Pep has always maintained that he will only leave if the players stop responding to him and it looks like that's what's happened with quite a few of our squad, even if it's only subconsciously with a lot of them.

It's incredibly reassuring to hear our manager, who has already achieved so much in the game and perhaps more relevantly in this league, is still as hungry as ever and so clearly determined to turn this around. It's what gives me confidence that, whether it be this season or next, we'll get back to our usual high standards and possibly be even better than what we've seen in the past.

One thing is for sure, I wouldn't swap Pep for any other manager in the world and every fan of every other club is waiting for the day he leaves City because despite all the money jibes they know he's the best in the business.
The majority of the fans who sit near me never open their mouths until we are three or four up. They’ve been going for years and us winning trophies doesn’t seem to change them.

I sit in SS3 and pay less than £20 per game.

Our home support is shocking.
Correct the home support is a disgrace, nine tenths of the ground just sit in silance. When people come on here and suggest ways of improving the atmosphere you get all the same moaners, putting people down. People on here tonight complaining about the pre match light show, get rid. Bring back the pre match silence that was much better. I had occasion to be outside the stadium during part of the first half and was at the rear of the North stand. Honestly all I could hear was the Spurs fans at the opposite end of the stadium. I don't think it's exclusive to our fans, I think a lot of stadiums have lost atmosphere. I truly think we as a fan base showed a lot more passion during the dark days. We may have had only had 30000 most weeks and even if it was having a go the the Chairman, manager or the players it seemed to mean more. Pep is probably right, success can lead to complacency. It could be the age of the fan base, it could be the amount of tourists, I really don't know. One more thing 99% of our songs are shite which definitely doesn't help the atmosphere. That a few things that are wrong in my opinion, now to think of some solutions.
Thank fuck, he has had enough!

The love this man has for city is right there for all to see. Take them all on baldy. Everyone has got complacent and that’s ok, expected. The success is new to many supporters.

The fire is back. No more bowing down to underperforming players. Whomever does not react now will be gone in the summer. He changed nothing tactically. As fans we Knew the hunger and desire was gone from this team. They stopped doing the hard yards.

Delighted the players many of whom are not automatic starters fought back to allow him to have this heartfelt rant. Don’t take it personally, he wants what’s best for the club and that’s good enough for me. Fuck being a flower, nasty stuck in attitude needed.

Bring it on fuckers. True Grit in abundance and we all need to rally behind this.
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Our home support is no worse than Old Trafford, Anfield, Stamford Bridge, Emirates etc….i can live with that!
So why does Pep have to tell the whole fucking world live on tv that were shit (and not for the first time)
Does Ten Haag? Klopp? Arteta? I’ve also missed Potter mentioning how poor Chelsea fans were in his interview after City sang “is this the Etihad” at Stamford Bridge the other week.
Maybe try not to mention the fans (again) Pep. This shit sticks on the walls and your giving rival fans ammunition FFS
£70.00 for a ticket and the manager has a pop at you after his team put’s a peformance like that first half.

Were not perfect but which supporters are on a freezing Thursday night?
Spot on and his annual criticism of the fans is getting on my tits. Loads of us are frustrated by the turgid displays and tactical fuckery of late and yes that may translate to a lack of noise from the crowd but it is also up to Pep and the players to give us something to get excited about. Whilst I admit that complacency has crept into the fanbase that is only to be expected when teams are as successful as we are and expectation levels are raised to previously unseen levels. Add that to the fact that we are pricing a lot of the old school, and dare I say it more vocal, fans out of the game whilst welcoming a newer generation of "day trippers" who don't really have much connection to the club apart from their desire to be associated with success and maybe to watch attractive football and is it really a surprise that the atmosphere is flat?

The game has moved into the 21st century from what once a weekly form of escapism for the vocal working classes, to a corporate entertainment environment for those who can afford to be seen to be associated with the trappings of success as the increase in corporate hospitality will allude to. As much as it pains me to say Premier League football these days is more akin to a trip to the theatre, where there is also little crowd interaction, than the blood, guts and thunder of a 90 minute spectacle which may make or break your week. Rather than desire entertainment people now expect it and as football generates even more money in an attempt to sate the never ending thirst of its stakeholders we continue to mover further and further away from the sport we once knew
Error nobody can account for??

Not to sure mate, Edderson has been shite for a longtime now, without his amazing distribution hes a very average keeper, his shot stopping isn't good enough so his feet have to he spot on

We dominated that 1st half but at no time did I think we were going to score, honestly it was average

Spurs looked more dangerous in that last 5 than we have in weeks

It had to be different 2nd half otherwise we were done simple as that

Don't be fooled anyone Spurs were fucking shit 2nd half especially

Peps right we have more than a few not at the races & looking like it's done for them

The booing I have no problem with but the atmosphere espeacialy at home has been pretty average imo

Pep has made a big statement tonight either get back on the bus or fuck off
You can't even spell his fucking name correctly. He has only been here for 7 seasons. Smh

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