Pep's contract situation

Even more encouraging words. I think he’ll almost certainly extend now.

Someone insert the daffy duck gif for me : )
Certainly sounds positive.
The sooner he extends the better.
Then the English media can get back to hating on him instead of hitching up their skirts.
The Pep love in is making me sick after the way he's been treated while with us.
When the first headlines about him being closer to leaving came out, I said the exact thing pep has just said, all he meant was he's beyond the halfway stage in his city career. It's staggering and really fucking annoying just hoe many people can see what the words say but they can't read and comprehend what's being said. It was obvious to anybody with functioning brain cells yet the whole media ran with "peps leaving" this isn't even news, it's just Pep having to clarify for the brain dead.

Here's to 7 more years of Pep.
Not to put a dampener on things and I’ve always been of the mindset that he’d extend,but that could be the positivity of someone who knows this is his final season and is waxing lyrical about the club and his time ..

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