Pep's contract situation

Depends who's available in 12 months or if he extends 24 months. May be better alternatives to Potchetino now.
I aggree.

We need time to find a replacement regardless.

We simply can not just let Pep walk out in 12 months,and go in to panic mode.

2 year contract would be a good compromise.

Revaluate after the next season Champions League campaign.

If Pep is determined to walk in 12 months though.

Then i would be happy to let him go now.
Many high intensity organisations change their leaders every five years or so to refresh strategy,relationships,results etc.

The same face, voice, approach can start to become stale, demotivating, predictable particularly if a stated objective is not starts to feel like failure.

I don’t think,and certainly hope, that we’re not approaching that situation with Pep.

This season has been abnormal for several unique, hopefully one off reasons :-
Losing the Captain.
Losing the Assistant
Losing Pep’s Mother
Losing Aymeric.
Losing Sane

Coming after 2 incredibly successful, enjoyable but stressful seasons we lost some of our intensity,power,belief and confidence.....players & coach.

You can bet that the business & sporting hierarchy will be undertaking a root and branch performance, development & results review but I doubt that anyone will make knee jerk decisions.

We have a long term strategy that won’t be derailed by one result or one seasons results.

Now is the time to be forensic in reviewing matters but also to circle the wagons, protect Pep from the undermining, assassination job that the media are on, rest, refresh , revigorate,regroup and learn our lessons.

I hate the CL and all it falsely represents but I’d like to see us win it just to get the Albert Ross off our backs and to fuck Uefa & the cartel.

Winning back the PL next season will be our priority and in a Covid affected season I’d play the yoof & fringe players in the domestic cups to achieve it.

Back to basics City.

A well thought out post much better than the usual get behind..... support your...... nonsense.

I must know though if the Albert Ross was intentional or a auto spell thing.

Pray tell.
Lots of issues raised in this thread, for what it's worth, my take on some of them is:
Pep is under no pressure to win the Champions League from the owners. They will expect a certain level of success (and rightly so) but I've seen nothing to suggest it's anything other than another competition that we strive to do well in.
Pep has looked tired at times this season. But it's not been a normal season. We've played the large part of it lagging well behind Liverpool which has to be draining and we've continued to compete to the latter stages of every competition we've entered. Add to that the distraction of Covid-19 and, on a personal level, the heartbreak of losing a parent and it's not surprising if it's taken it's toll.
Pep has a certain style of play and he's not going to change it for you, me, the players or Sheik Mansour. The key to continuing its success has to be keeping the players motivated, interested and fully committed and that comes from fresh ideas. Ferguson did that by a regular change of assistant albeit I think Pep is probably more 'hands on' in training than Ferguson ever was. I believe that's his biggest challenge next season and why I think we need a big name (preferably a striker) to provide some new challenges on the pitch and in the dressing room.
Personally I hope the guy is motivated and challenged enough to stay beyond his current contract and, if at the end of his time at City, he feels inclined to make a move upstairs, I hope it's our stairs he's moving up. Whether the short turn around this year will affect him from a rest and recuperation aspect and mean he feels in need of a break at the end of the season remains to be seen.
Whatever happens, his achievements at our club mean he deserves 100% support, particularly when the team suffers an unexpected set back.
It would have been interesting to see if Sane would have signed a contract extension with us IF Pep was leaving.

I have a feeling he would.

It also worries me that if Pep stays, Bernardo will be gone.
Think Sane wanted home regardless. Also I think Bernardo a city man so would be surprised if he left.
Personally Im hoping squad refresh, Pep extends and has learnt a couple of painful lessons which he corrects, as in did after his first year. Spine of team needs an upgrade with quality.
Many high intensity organisations change their leaders every five years or so to refresh strategy,relationships,results etc.

The same face, voice, approach can start to become stale, demotivating, predictable particularly if a stated objective is not starts to feel like failure.

I don’t think,and certainly hope, that we’re not approaching that situation with Pep.

This season has been abnormal for several unique, hopefully one off reasons :-
Losing the Captain.
Losing the Assistant
Losing Pep’s Mother
Losing Aymeric.
Losing Sane

Coming after 2 incredibly successful, enjoyable but stressful seasons we lost some of our intensity,power,belief and confidence.....players & coach.

You can bet that the business & sporting hierarchy will be undertaking a root and branch performance, development & results review but I doubt that anyone will make knee jerk decisions.

We have a long term strategy that won’t be derailed by one result or one seasons results.

Now is the time to be forensic in reviewing matters but also to circle the wagons, protect Pep from the undermining, assassination job that the media are on, rest, refresh , revigorate,regroup and learn our lessons.

I hate the CL and all it falsely represents but I’d like to see us win it just to get the Albert Ross off our backs and to fuck Uefa & the cartel.

Winning back the PL next season will be our priority and in a Covid affected season I’d play the yoof & fringe players in the domestic cups to achieve it.

Back to basics City.
And we did win a trophy, even if just the league cup. We will improve and go again.
Lots of issues raised in this thread, for what it's worth, my take on some of them is:
Pep is under no pressure to win the Champions League from the owners. They will expect a certain level of success (and rightly so) but I've seen nothing to suggest it's anything other than another competition that we strive to do well in.
Pep has looked tired at times this season. But it's not been a normal season. We've played the large part of it lagging well behind Liverpool which has to be draining and we've continued to compete to the latter stages of every competition we've entered. Add to that the distraction of Covid-19 and, on a personal level, the heartbreak of losing a parent and it's not surprising if it's taken it's toll.
Pep has a certain style of play and he's not going to change it for you, me, the players or Sheik Mansour. The key to continuing its success has to be keeping the players motivated, interested and fully committed and that comes from fresh ideas. Ferguson did that by a regular change of assistant albeit I think Pep is probably more 'hands on' in training than Ferguson ever was. I believe that's his biggest challenge next season and why I think we need a big name (preferably a striker) to provide some new challenges on the pitch and in the dressing room.
Personally I hope the guy is motivated and challenged enough to stay beyond his current contract and, if at the end of his time at City, he feels inclined to make a move upstairs, I hope it's our stairs he's moving up. Whether the short turn around this year will affect him from a rest and recuperation aspect and mean he feels in need of a break at the end of the season remains to be seen.
Whatever happens, his achievements at our club mean he deserves 100% support, particularly when the team suffers an unexpected set back.

Absolutely this. As fans we have to be there in disappointment as well as the great successes we have had. Otherwise the term plastic fans applies. I don’t believe City fans fall into this category- apart from a few :))

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