Petition: Blue Moon Beer

haven't really tried it in bottle form myself so i'll take your word for it however... last nights draught of it was just superb! better than most in the same category like Starpromen etc.
Personally, I prefer wine...

had some on tap at the frienship in fallowfield and its much better then the bottles. quite liked it has an oringe taist to it
It would contravene regulations. It has to taste like piss to be served at COMS.
BlueBoy85 said:
Is the worst beer I've ever tasted, it's made by Coors so it's gonna taste 'angin!

Your supposed to have it with a slice of orange in your glass and there is something a bit gay about that? Imagin 1000's of blokes drinking that in the concourse at the ground?...... Not for me.


I had a pint of Blue Moon in Florida over the summer. (Saw it on the menu and thought 'I'll have some of that'). Then this barmaid put a wedge of Orange in it. WTF? If anyone did that before the match you'd twat him straight back to Canal Street.

I wondered if it was some weird Florida thing (they have a picture of an Orange on their car licence plates there) but no, they all do that. A bit like the way we put a wedge of lime in bottles of Sol back in the 80s (a drink which basically amounted to half a lager and lime). In fairness, I didn't think my pint in Florida was that bad (once I had fished the orange out) but that's probably only in comparison to the sweet yellow gassy water that otherwise passes for beer over there.

I did however nick the 'Blue Moon' glass, which I take great pleasure in drinking proper beer out of when sitting down to the highlights on Football First; the logo looks smart even if the beer isn't.
Finally i get to use my "Yank" expertise. As "micro-brews" became popular in the States in the 90s (Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, etc....) when consumers wanted quality beer that could compete with the expensive imports from Europe, the big shit brewers in the States (Budweiser, Coors, etc...) realized they had a problem on their hands. So, they started making what looked like "micro-brews" to try to get a piece of the the new market. The packaging looked nice but the beer still sucked.

Blue Moon is made by Coors. Coors is quite possibly the worst beer in the world. Blue Moon is better than Coors but it still sucks. If you want a Belgian style beer. By beer made in Belgium. If you want to drink a beer because it has a blue moon on the label then I guess by Blue Moon but for me whats in the bottle is more important.
Had a bottle when out the other day, thought it was nice, I like wheat beers though so no surprise.

Can understand why some don't like it, the name doesn't mean you have to obviously, as I say, was right up my street

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