'Petition' for a Bert Trautmann stand.

statue would be fitting,imo,stand naming rights,should be sold,more money better players,im not arsed if im sitting,the nike stand ,if it enables us to buy top players
Im a bit drunk but did you guys know the bert trautmann story on TV now on yesterday free view 019
Would be a fitting tribute to a great man.

Not only that but naming the stand after him would be a lasting way of ensuring generations to come know of him but they also know his story, how he came to be a City player and thus spinning from that, the history of World War 2 etc.
ped said:
statue would be fitting,imo,stand naming rights,should be sold,more money better players,im not arsed if im sitting,the nike stand ,if it enables us to buy top players

+1 for the statue idea.
Falastur said:
Caveman said:
Vienna_70 said:
It should have been done while the great man was still alive.

Very few have had to overcome the bigotry and hatred that Bert had to endure during his first few months at the club, and he did it with dignity.

If anyone deserves to have a stand named after them it is Bert Trautmann.
It was talked about on here a few times that it should have happened while he was still alive so he could have been invited down to see it, it's a tribute that should be seen by the person. It's a bit shit that it's now too late for that.

It would've been nice to invite him to the opening, but don't forget that the custom is that if you name something in the honour of a person, it usually gets done after they have died. I know there are a number of counter-examples, such as the Colin Bell Stand, but they are the ones that go against the grain. I'm not certain but I think we actually copped quite a bit of flack at the time for naming the CB after a still-living player.

IIRC, the only flack we got was from knobhead supporters of other teams saying we had a stand called the 'Bellend'.

That was the only criticism I heard, anyway.

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