PFA Back Tevez

mad4city said:
Yeah, slag off the unions.

Then wobble your idiot head as you try to figure out which of the above entities is/are responsible for bringing you the concept of the weekend and which is/are part of the market-driven system that's trying to take it away from you (not to mention future generations).
So I should never dismiss religion as it is responsible for giving me a nice little break in December and chance to get presents.
I will stand corrected, but isn't it standard terms in most contracts of employment that failure to carry out a reasonable request is punishable by a verbal warning up to and including instant dismissal dependent on the severity of the situation?

This seems quite cut & dried to me that by Tevez refusing to warm up, that this constitutes a failure to carry out a reasonable request thus constructively refusing to play without actually saying so. Tevez could have made the difference between a win or a draw in Munich which could be the difference between Champions League last 16 qualification or entry into the Europa League.

If this is the case, not only should the club sue Tevez for the devaluing of his potential transfer fee by his actions, we should also sue him for the potential loss of revenue from the Champions League knock-out stages if god forbid this ends up being the case.

I said last year that we should have jettisoned the Captain Caveman looking, brain-dead fuck, but everyone started getting on my back over my comments. I've been here before in the workplace whereby you have the one 'superstar legend in his own lunchtime' who wants to dictate to everyone how procedures should be. It's a dangerous situation if the tail is ever allowed to wag the dog!!!

We got rid of Barton, the club progressed. We got rid of Robinho, the club progressed, We got rid of Bellamy, the club progressed. We got rid of Adebayor the club has still progressed. I've never had any fear that we wouldn't progress even further than ever without the corrosive Tevez in our midst.

No player is bigger than Manchester City and the club needs to take a stand against this fuckin scum-sucking little germ!!!! If nothing else, it will send out an irrefutable message to any potential dissenters in our ranks as to exactly how the club will deal with any unjust player petulance!!! In respect to Tevez, I would put a restrictive 'market value' transfer fee on his head and be prepared to let him rot in the reserves for the next 2 1/2 years!!!
its the pfa's stance to back there members... it was a misunderstanding mancini told him to get ready to come on, tevez thought he said warm up, the fact is mancini doesn't get on with tevez and tevez doesn't get on with mancini end of, he wont play for us again and will train on his own and will be sold in january or the summer... in mancini we believe!
Taylor is doing what he's paid for representing his members interests. Although he's an arrogant little cnut from my own experiences with him.

Can't help but think he maybe using it for his own exposure too. I cannot recall him doing a big press statement when Plymouth players weren't (and still aren't being paid) and backing their strike action.

As PB and Macca have said, I too used to be a rep and the cases I was trained not to have an opinion on them but to defend them the best you could. They might not morally have a hope in hell but if the company has cocked up procedually it's your job to point that out. In the Carlos case I cannot see City cocking the case up procedually by the amount of legal advice they have sought. They have made the case watertight and I believe would be ruthless enough to let him sit on his arse for 3 years on his contract as an example to any other present or future player at the club.
SWP's back said:
mackenzie said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
As a former union official I had to back and defend members & other situations even if it was personally distasteful to me. Any disagreements would be hammered out behind closed doors. That's the way it works. I don't particularly like Gordon Taylor personally but he's a union official and I'd expect him to back his members publicly. Once you accept something that isn't quite in accordance with the agreed rules then you set a precedent for the future.

The criticism I'd have is that you need to be careful that you choose the right battle to fight. If the PFA is saying it doesn't believe Tevez refused to play, then they need to be very sure of their ground. I would assume they'd seen the evidence presented at the club inquiry but if they haven't then they're fighting the wrong battle. If they were to fight the size of the fine on its own, then they'd have a better case in my opinion. But I also know that negotiators often initially take extreme positions when they've got a less extreme fall-back position.
As a former union rep who went to the TUC union 'school' in Manchester in the 1980's I can confirm this is how we were taught to negotiate too.
It could even be argued that PFA intervention may be better for City, as they are more likely to tell Tevez the bare facts of likely success or not. Certainly moreso than a fancy lawyer whose primary interest could be spinning it out for as long as possible.
You were a union rep eh? Well knock me down with a feather.
Yes. And one who believes in a union members rights to representation and advice regardless of their wealth. It's called equality.
The top and bottom of it is that Tevez hasn't just burnt his bridges with Mancini and MCFC, he's blown the fuckers up!

Him and his slimy agent are a pair of knobs.
mat said:
Taylor is doing what he's paid for representing his members interests. Although he's an arrogant little cnut from my own experiences with him.

Can't help but think he maybe using it for his own exposure too. I cannot recall him doing a big press statement when Plymouth players weren't (and still aren't being paid) and backing their strike action.

As PB and Macca have said, I too used to be a rep and the cases I was trained not to have an opinion on them but to defend them the best you could. They might not morally have a hope in hell but if the company has cocked up procedually it's your job to point that out. In the Carlos case I cannot see City cocking the case up procedually by the amount of legal advice they have sought. They have made the case watertight and I believe would be ruthless enough to let him sit on his arse for 3 years on his contract as an example to any other present or future player at the club.

I agree and also agree with 99% of the comments on what should happen to him however the club may have one little concern, Publicity from around the world and how this could affect.
bluelol said:
mat said:
Taylor is doing what he's paid for representing his members interests. Although he's an arrogant little cnut from my own experiences with him.

Can't help but think he maybe using it for his own exposure too. I cannot recall him doing a big press statement when Plymouth players weren't (and still aren't being paid) and backing their strike action.

As PB and Macca have said, I too used to be a rep and the cases I was trained not to have an opinion on them but to defend them the best you could. They might not morally have a hope in hell but if the company has cocked up procedually it's your job to point that out. In the Carlos case I cannot see City cocking the case up procedually by the amount of legal advice they have sought. They have made the case watertight and I believe would be ruthless enough to let him sit on his arse for 3 years on his contract as an example to any other present or future player at the club.

I agree and also agree with 99% of the comments on what should happen to him however the club may have one little concern, Publicity from around the world and how this could affect.
Despite my union affiliations I truly believe this is the only reason the Tevez/Kia camp have gone down this road. Publicity.

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