Aleix Garcia and Douglas Luiz got more minutes than they would have here, while the Maffeo's make it worth it. These players will be gaining valuable experience regardless. Machín is a class coach. I hope we take Maffeo back here next season and maybe loan Herrera, Manu García or Angeliño there next year.
Manu Garcia to Girona would be a complete and utter waste. He doesn't suit their style of football and they don't even have a position for him to play in. Angelino would be different on that front, but Mojica is one of their best players so they wouldn't want a LB/LWB anyway and it would be a bad loan for that reason
Same goes for Herrera, who'd play in the position of the captain, Granell, or Pere Pons who's probably Girona's best player and certainly undroppable.
This is what people mean when they talk about thinking out loans better.