Pictures of your Dog

Arthur looks just like my Max.

Max has selective hearing, especially when he's out, he can hear a crisp bag move at 1000m, but can't hear his name being shouted from 10m when he's out.
To be fair to Arthur the hours of training have paid off, he recalls very well, unless he sees a rabbit...then...whoosh!

Been looking at getting another one, rescue this time, but they all seem a bit...'damaged'. Arthur hardly barks, loves his bed, doesn't jump, is good with other dogs and people...I just want another like him!
To be fair to Arthur the hours of training have paid off, he recalls very well, unless he sees a rabbit...then...whoosh!

Been looking at getting another one, rescue this time, but they all seem a bit...'damaged'. Arthur hardly barks, loves his bed, doesn't jump, is good with other dogs and people...I just want another like him!
Both of mine are rescues, when I first got Max he couldn't be off lead, but after lots of working with him, despite his selective deafness, he's very predictable and easy to get back in reality.

My other is still only 9 months old, and as good as gold, but mad with energy like all spaniel puppies tend to be. She arrived after my 'old lady', who was a rescue from a puppy farm succumbed to a heart problem.
One of my favorite threads on bluemoon it’s superb to see everyone’s pictures and stories
We’re not here for long and theirs is shorter, but what they bring is a thing of beauty .
They unbeknown get us through some difficult and tough times .Think I’m getting old .

Up the blues.

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