Pictures of your Dog

My poor boy Benji a rescue Beagle had back pain last week, long story short he
needed an op to remove two tumours attached to his spinal cord.Op was successful
so far but just waiting histology results to see what treatment he needs next.The good news he’s back home and able to walk.


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My poor boy Benji a rescue Beagle had back pain last week, long story short he
needed an op to remove two tumours attached to his spinal cord.Op was successful
so far but just waiting histology results to see what treatment he needs next.The good news he’s back home and able to walk.

Everything crossed for your pooch and you mate, all the best of luck.
My poor boy Benji a rescue Beagle had back pain last week, long story short he
needed an op to remove two tumours attached to his spinal cord.Op was successful
so far but just waiting histology results to see what treatment he needs next.The good news he’s back home and able to walk.
great news for you after such an op.

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