Pictures of your Dog

It's with such a heavy heart that we've had to say goodbye to our big boy,Oban on Friday night, our last night of our holiday in Cowal Scotland.
Love and miss you dearly big lad,
Mummy & Daddy Kippax xxxx
So sorry. He was a lovely looking dog. RIP.
Thanks pal
Your story @Kippax77 reminds me so much of what happened our ‘Cooper’ a year ago this June.
Last year is a total haze to me. Indeed, I left this forum all together for a period, for my own sanity. Cooper was only 2 years old Irish Red Setter and used to love nothing better than running through the dunes at Dollymount , here in Dublin, or through the wooded park in St. Ann’s.

He just all of a sudden took poorly and wouldn’t eat. The vet couldn’t nail down definitively what was wrong with him.
He was opened up, Nothing definitive found, recuperated but ultimately sent home and died within a week in my son’s arms, not having eaten a morcel.

It was heartbreaking. The official reason given was Leptospirosis, which he was inoculated against, but I don’t think they really knew what he had picked up.

Anyway. It really is like the death of one of your children and people who are not into dogs, probably don’t get that.

Give it time Kippax.

My young lad (21 yo) wouldn’t even entertain looking at a picture of a dog being offered to us, about 4 months ago.

Last month however, with the possibility of a husky/labrador pup being offered he came round to the idea again. Time heals and if you are dog people it is just in you.
That didn’t happen but there is no doubt the right dog will come along for us.

With us minding Ted, which I posted earlier, the seeds have most definitely been sown. Both my wife and son have felt it was great to have a dog in the house again. It will happen.

All the best to you and your family. We in here feel your pain, but rest assured the right opportunity will come along for you again at the right time for you.
Cheers pal.
No he was fit and well but had been on the beach digging and swimming.
We found out 24 hours later he went off his food and water so got him to a vets in Dunoon.
They told us his heart rate was sky high, he was very dehydrated and had high temperature.
They rang us back a few hours later to tell us no change to medication they gave him but also they knew some kind of blockage in his intestines.
After an Xray they rang to confirm that its was probably a ball of sand and water mixture that had solidified and stuck there.
He deteriorated rapidly and Luke the vet said he wasn't well enough to operate on, that he wouldn't of made it.
So at 10 o clock on our last night we had to give permission for him to let him go.
Something so simple of him playing around on the beach has ended up taking him from us.
I was giving both my Shepherds bottled water in their bowls at the car so they wouldn't drink sea water, but can't stop thinking have I contributed in some way.
But like Mrs K says Cassie our woman is OK it was just a freak occurance to him digging a big hole in the sand for him to bury his stick and he took too much sand on board.
A shit ending for such a big fit dog.
So sad that Kippax. Such an innocuous thing too :( My heart goes out to you pal. Soul destroying when we have to put one of our loved ones to sleep. I say loved ones because they're more than pets, we love them so they're loved ones.
Your story @Kippax77 reminds me so much of what happened our ‘Cooper’ a year ago this June.
Last year is a total haze to me. Indeed, I left this forum all together for a period, for my own sanity. Cooper was only 2 years old Irish Red Setter and used to love nothing better than running through the dunes at Dollymount , here in Dublin, or through the wooded park in St. Ann’s.

He just all of a sudden took poorly and wouldn’t eat. The vet couldn’t nail down definitively what was wrong with him.
He was opened up, Nothing definitive found, recuperated but ultimately sent home and died within a week in my son’s arms, not having eaten a morcel.

It was heartbreaking. The official reason given was Leptospirosis, which he was inoculated against, but I don’t think they really knew what he had picked up.

Anyway. It really is like the death of one of your children and people who are not into dogs, probably don’t get that.

Give it time Kippax.

My young lad (21 yo) wouldn’t even entertain looking at a picture of a dog being offered to us, about 4 months ago.

Last month however, with the possibility of a husky/labrador pup being offered he came round to the idea again. Time heals and if you are dog people it is just in you.
That didn’t happen but there is no doubt the right dog will come along for us.

With us minding Ted, which I posted earlier, the seeds have most definitely been sown. Both my wife and son have felt it was great to have a dog in the house again. It will happen.

All the best to you and your family. We in here feel your pain, but rest assured the right opportunity will come along for you again at the right time for you.
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Thanks for your post.
It has given me alot of comfort.
I'm so glad you and your family are getting closer to the day of welcoming another of man's best friends into your lives again.
Thanks again mate.

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