Piers Morgan at it again...

Don't really get the lauding of Morgan for his online disputes with certain footballers. He's a fairly odious twat himself, and anyone could run rings round the likes of Ferdinand, Rooney and Barton in terms of intelligence.
LOL used to hate the **** SO much but i've stated so many times he is a twitter hero giving shit to any twat of a footballer that goes on there!

and i like joey barton ! or the city one!<br /><br />-- Fri May 27, 2011 1:15 am --<br /><br />
Ric said:
Don't really get the lauding of Morgan for his online disputes with certain footballers. He's a fairly odious twat himself, and anyone could run rings round the likes of Ferdinand, Rooney and Barton in terms of intelligence.

yes but no one is famous enough to catch their attention and get them to bite surley you can respect that! piers knows they will bite to him :L
Chairman Wesker said:
yes but no one is famous enough to catch their attention and get them to bite surley you can respect that! piers knows they will bite to him :L

Yeah, that's true. But then you could argue the vey reason he's doing it is to boost his own profile, not that I'm a cynic or owt.
Ric said:
Chairman Wesker said:
yes but no one is famous enough to catch their attention and get them to bite surley you can respect that! piers knows they will bite to him :L

Yeah, that's true. But then you could argue the vey reason he's doing it is to boost his own profile, not that I'm a cynic or owt.

"Boost his profile"?? Where??

He has a talk show here, a talk show on CNN, does 'X Factor' in America, won "Celebrity Apprentice" over there... Arguing with footy player would only lower his profile, if anything!!

He's a genuine guy, when he has a pop and he's been doing it for years. This is a more direct medium he's using, rather than an unresponsive paper column.
without a dream said:
His 'twitter wars' with celebritys are incredibly boring, especially the ones with Camelgob and Alan Sugar.
The thing is though, I imagine Morgan looks at one of Ferdinand's responses, laughs, thinks for a few seconds, posts it and gets on with whatever.

Whereas I imagine Ferdinand nearly has a heart attack when reading a response, then thinks so long and hard about his next comeback that his misses another drug test, before writing a comeback of "moobs".

But that's just me.

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