Piers Morgan

We've had nearly 12 months of this gobby prick lambasting anyone and everyone as 'covidiots' if they're seen within 6 feet of anyone, and berating and bullying ministers for not solving corona virus in a couple of weeks.
Ranting and preaching about how you shouldn't see your granny at Christmas, in fact, actually saying 'It's only a day' and other such moralising tripe.
Then he's caught not wearing a mask in a Taxi, after more or less inferring
that others should be prosecuted for similar lapses.
Unbelievably, the bloated **** then decides to go, with his family, to Heathrow, mingle with thousands, sit in a lounge being waited on, again amongst others, queue for a plane and board it, next to many people, arrive in the Caribbean, taxi to resort/hotel. He must then, (unless he and the others decided to isolate in their room for the stay, about as likely as me playing for City), have gone to bars, restaurants, and attractions.
Then, he and his return to England, to spread around whatever they've picked up. Even in a private plane, all this should not be happening.
I watched today, under sufferance, to his Mickey Mouse breakfast show with that pouting simpleton next to him, and not one word was said about it,
So the director must be filtering calls/tweets etc; millions now know of this arsehole's hypocrisy.

Pouting simpleton. Love this line. In fact the whole post is spot on.
We've had nearly 12 months of this gobby prick lambasting anyone and everyone as 'covidiots' if they're seen within 6 feet of anyone, and berating and bullying ministers for not solving corona virus in a couple of weeks.
Ranting and preaching about how you shouldn't see your granny at Christmas, in fact, actually saying 'It's only a day' and other such moralising tripe.
Then he's caught not wearing a mask in a Taxi, after more or less inferring
that others should be prosecuted for similar lapses.
Unbelievably, the bloated **** then decides to go, with his family, to Heathrow, mingle with thousands, sit in a lounge being waited on, again amongst others, queue for a plane and board it, next to many people, arrive in the Caribbean, taxi to resort/hotel. He must then, (unless he and the others decided to isolate in their room for the stay, about as likely as me playing for City), have gone to bars, restaurants, and attractions.
Then, he and his return to England, to spread around whatever they've picked up. Even in a private plane, all this should not be happening.
I watched today, under sufferance, to his Mickey Mouse breakfast show with that pouting simpleton next to him, and not one word was said about it,
So the director must be filtering calls/tweets etc; millions now know of this arsehole's hypocrisy.
I remember when some plonker tweeted about ‘we must all pull together and get through this’ back in March - whilst on his super yacht parked up with other super yachts in some idyllic tropical lagoon...

one rule for the rich and powerful , another for the serfs

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