Pitch invasions

I'm surprised you lot in CBL3 and ESL3 who are moaning weren't more pissed off with the players, because by the time they finished celebrating in-front of the South Stand where most of the pitch invaders came from, half of you lot had f*cked off home.

It may have escaped your attention, but the Police stood in-front of the away end. The Stewards moved away, and the fans went on the pitch in an orderly manner. The fans eventually went back to their seats after 10 minutes. There was no trouble. There were no incidents.The Chelsea players went off. The goal wasn't damedged. It took longer than 10 minutes to erect the stage and to get all the media into place.

This faux outrage because City fans went on to the pitch, celebrated another title win, without causing any problems is frankly pathetic.

The pitch invasion aside, Pep and the players loved the support before, during and after the presentation. But some of you would convince yourselves and everyone else that had ruined everything.
There were people trying to breakdown the goals, people trying to rip up bits of the pitch, people likely hurt in the scramble to get on the pitch (as there were in previous invasions; I definitely saw a few people pushed over and tripping as the went on just from limited angles shown), and 90% of those on the pitch where just walking around with their mobiles above their heads trying to take video of it, all capture on TV.

I know, because I watched it.

The stewards parted because they are instructed to—if they don’t, people get even more hurt when they try to stop them, as it can cause a huge group of people to trample fallen people in front. That is the only thing the stewards can do if a massive group of idiots decide to ignore the clubs pleas and run on to the pitch.
93:20 was absolutely understandable with the sudden outpouring of emotion. I can even understand the Villa game with the late turnaround but it wasn’t needed today. I wanted to see the players react, not a load of fat twats knee sliding then checking their mates phone to see if it was a good shot or if they needed to do it again.

What Haaland and Kevin really deserve after the last few months is being rushed off the pitch by surrounded stewards at full time in their final home game of the season. And the scenes of stewards lined up around the goals to stop twats going at them (and they bloody tried as well), hang your heads in shame. People taking their kids along ffs. Yeah sod the club, sod the FA, sod the players or 50,000 other fans at the stadium, all about them.
People mainly complaining because they normally bugger off at 80 minutes and not only did they have to stay today, the 'invasion' made them stay an extra 10 minutes.

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