PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I'm not sure I understand the Mancini stuff. Maybe I am oversimplifying it but it seems to me that if he did consultancy work for Al Jazira, then that should not show on City's accounts. What they chose to pay him is none of the PL's business. If there's nothing stopping Mancini doing consultancy work while manager of one club, why would there be anything to stop City's finance department employees assisting in the process. They are essentially Sheikh Mansour's employees. Like I said, I'm not sure I understand the legalities of this and I'm not sure those getting worried about it fully understand it either.

if that’s such an issue - what about when players or managers work for Sky Sports ? Is that illegal?
Question for the in house lawyers or people who are right on this shit!!

Not if but when we come out of all this shit with another win will CFG go Absalutely balls deep & take every slimy cnut who has caused our club nothing but shit since 2008, please tell me we will??
This is more or less what I posted 200 pages back,, I asked if it was plausible that on the 23rd when we answer our charges, the PL look at it and think,, right fuck this if we loose were fucked

So the statement goes" we have looked at MCFC evidence and we are happy there is no case to answer, but we have given MCFC stern warnings about cooperation in the future "

In other words" were going nowhere near that
Even though that makes them look a bigger bunch of dickheads than they already are ?
Any appeal would be within those appeals procedures outlined by the Premier League.
Surely, and I’m no expert, if sanctions are imposed they have to be justified in a court of law if we go down that route? which is when the arbitration case can be the rabbit in the hat due to the environment???

A civil matter could and would destroy any negative ruling and cripple the FA; which points towards a compromise down the line!
Any idea where this talk of a whistleblower has come from? I read that it was Sam Lee on Twitter but read his article and there is nothing about whistleblowing in it.
It was a fake Twitter account linking an alleged The Athletic story. It was fake, there is no ex employee whistleblower.
I do wonder how much time of those 4 years were actually spent delving.
Has it taken them the same four years we have not cooperated to investigate?

Are they pissed because the things they wanted we were not prepared to give them as we are not cooperating with a skewed, bias, agenda driven entity? Just like we were not prepared to do with UEFA?

We submitted our accounts just like everyone else and the PL have put 2and 2 together with the Rui pinto stuff and thought we want answers! Even though we’ve been through the same stuff with UEFA. City have then thought fuck off you’re just looking, fishing for excuses. We won’t be scrutinised forever and a day. After all no one else is. So we will see you in court with an independent non bias, agenda driven panel, show our evidences to prove our defense, make you look like the fumbling amateurs you are, shove your 2 bob bird and bird cowboys and we will talk to a real legal expert of good standing and moral compass. Whilst makin absolute mince meat out of your case that has more holes than a sieve.
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Because we can’t really argue they’re not a related party if we did.
Al Jazira Club were never a sponsor of Manchester City Football Club though. Al Jazira and Man City can be related parties all they like, but it doesn’t make Man City responsible for their expenses.

The CFG clubs are a lot closer relations than Al Jazira is, but it doesn’t mean that Vidosić, Cushing, Muscat, Itthuralde, Michel, Lobera, Buckingham, Bould, Kisnorbo or Corini are our expenses as a club!
So basically, we did a bit of admin for him?

In the same way most PL managers do after dinner events and functions - that are paid by third parties and I bet their personal assistants do all the work including the invoicing…. The PL are potentially making allegations that the other 19 clubs cannot comply with anymore than we can.
Fuck it - here goes…

Prediction based on conversations today with people ‘in the know’.

Give it six months of litigation and the PL will drop all charges against City due to insufficient evidence.

Don’t shoot the messenger.
You know people at the Premier League? ;-)

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