PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It seems to me that there is an inconsistency in the Premier League’s action. If the tribunal is to be held in private and the evidence not revealed publically should not the charges be treated similarly until the tribunal has completed its deliberations and reached its conclusions? To do otherwise seems to be effectively defamation by innuendo. If ever the government needed evidence that there needs to be an independent regulator for football then they should have it now.
Awwww thank you! :-)

To be honest mate, I'm just sick & tired of my team being attacked. I'll defend City to the death, the same as I'd defend my kids.

I've had YEARS of practice of defending City from the 3rd division to the dreary Pearce years, so this is fuck all in comparison.

It's times like this that ALL City fans need to stand up & be counted. Make no mistake, we're at WAR & fighting for our very existence.

Fuck em! It's gloves off, bovver boots on & we tear into the scrap...

Khaldoon‘s quote was this “Always look at facts. And I think people with glass homes shouldn’t be throwing rocks. I’m happy to talk to anyone as long as the conversation is about facts but once we start talking about innuendo and talking about theories I have no time for that.”

I hadn't connected the fact that he used the word innuendo about the accusations 2 full years before the CAS panel used it to describe some of UEFA's accusations.

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