PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Im sick to fucking death of this.

The whole “taking a pinch” episode was to end all this shite. At the time a lot of fans wanted the club to go on the offensive but we decided to play nice and look where it has gotten us.

If we had challenged FFP back then, we may have lost, but it would have drawn a line in the sand. Instead we have just had a decade of constant shite thrown at us and now this. It’s so fucking tiresome as a football fan, who just wants to watch his team play football.

I have no expertise in any of this but what worries me here, is that this whole thing is a terrible look for the PL. If we have done what we are accused of, then we have done it right under their noses and won titles doing so. If they win, they also lose. They must know this and yet they’re doing it anyway and that puts the fear of god in me. Stripping of titles is one thing, they can never strip our memories, but sanctions such as relegation would fucking destroy the club as we know it going forward.
Maybe that is their plan?
So team for opening game in the championship next season


lewis c. Doyle harwood bellis gomez

t Doyle


kompany as manager

could be fun…..
Just to point out, being expelled from the league wouldn't put us in the championship. It would put us in non-league, probably in the 6th or 7th tier.
What does it all mean in English.
Well the only bit that matters it the very bottom of the 2nd screenshot, where it says details of any image rights payment should be in the player’s contract. That’s one of the rules they’re saying we breached, so the assumption is we don’t have such details in one or more players contracts? Hard to know the specifics.
Stephen Warnock will be on sky sports news soon pretending to know the ins and outs of footballing finance just because he's put on a pair of glasses. The boring scouse c*nt.
They're serious charges no doubt, but if you're bragging about what the FA is going to do to us then maybe sit it out.

Reminds me of the time a Liverpool fan was banging on to me about human rights in Saudi Arabia which I had to point out was a completely different country and in fact competitor to City's owners. There might be a serious point to make, but if you can't get general gist forgive me if I don't trust your motives and discussions of the details.
Timing is everything.

Guess which clubs are currently trying to attract a buyer...

Arsenal used to pay image rights off shore going all the way back to Henry.

They have thrown everything at the wall to ensure something will stick and a punishment forthcoming.

If I had to guess, they will include a massive fine, points deduction (for next season) and a longer transfer ban.

They want us out of business, and now making the Champions League will be a part of that.
Can we sign this year before the outcome or will we be banned till after the case

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