PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I am wondering if we did know something was coming? The incredibly low net spend over the last 5 years, and in particular the last year? Not saying the club agrees with the charges, just that we knew a load of charges were coming our way?
Surely Chelsea's accountants must be working overtime now
I look forward to our defence against the allegations as a final chance to bury them.

If it all goes tits up, I will still be a City fan. If we have years in the wilderness, I will still be a City fan. If we play an Academy team every week, I will still be a City fan.
Along as we don't play inverted fullbacks and Stones is back in the back four. We have a good chance.
Christ it's taken me 120-ish pages to catch up! Lots of 'obtuse' views on here, which is fair enough. Looks like a lot of shite has been thrown hoping some will stick. It's serious if (....IF!....) true. The club statement made me chuckle and we are not going to take this lying down. Looking forward to Stefan and Colin's thoughts on all this. Have faith, keep calm!
Here's the problem right there in that part of the statement.

"The Club welcomes the review of this matter by an independent Commission, to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence that exists in support of its position."

We won't get an independent commission to impartially consider the evidence will we?
Well if we don't then it's off to the High Court we go
Timing is everything.

Guess which clubs are currently trying to attract a buyer...

Arsenal used to pay image rights off shore going all the way back to Henry.

They have thrown everything at the wall to ensure something will stick and a punishment forthcoming.

If I had to guess, they will include a massive fine, points deduction (for next season) and a longer transfer ban.

They want us out of business, and now making the Champions League will be a part of that.
As long as we got back to our usual
Level of performance next year we could swallow a 20 point deduction and still get into the champions league, that would probably feel like a tittle win!

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