PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

In relation to the Al Jazira contract, the exact same problem arises. There is a contact between Mancini (or his company, I forget which) and Al Jazira (the UAE club owned by HHSM) undwer which Mancini was required to provide certain services in exchange for which he would receive a certain amount of money. If that is a genuine contract, that is the end of that particular issue. So the PL would need to show it was not a genuine contract.

But to show it is not a genuine contract the PL will need to show that the contract was, according to English law, a sham. That is a very tall order in itself, because there is a very strong presumption that the agreements entered into by parties are intended to be lawful and binding. To allege that a document purporting to be a contract between A and B is in fact a sham entered into to disguise the true arrangements between them is tantamount to an allegation of fraud in itself. Especially when you bear in mind that the fundamental charge is that we knowingly presented misleading accounts to the PL and passed them off as being a true and fair presentation of our financial circumstances.

So the same point about limitation applies. As with the sponsorship claims, either the PL demonstrate we are guilty of fraud or, bearing in mind the age of the matters complained about, they pack up and go home.

They have made some incredibly serious allegations against the highest officers of MCFC. The only possible logical explanations are that they have the evidence that they think will persuade an independent panel that we are guilty of the very serious accusations made against us - and that evidence would have to be very considerably stronger than anything that has been put in the public domain thus far - or they brought the charges under pressure from MCFC's competitors on and off the pitch.
Lets not forget that for the PL to make good on this one, you'd have to add in at least, AL JAZIRA SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB LIMITED, SPARKLEGLOW HOLDINGS LTD and, individually, Roberto Mancini and Phil Anderton (CEO that signed for Al Jazira) as yet further third parties to a conspiracy to save MCFC the £1.5m cost. None of these entities are likely to give witness evidence in support of the conspiracy/sham. Without that, this one looks very very difficult to prove to me if the panel are working to a High Court, English Law standard (as they should be).

There is a further aspect that shouldn't be ignored (in my opinion). Sometimes even decent lawyers/organisations are simply naive and don't really understand the substance/consequence of the allegations they are making. It is not impossible for organisations to overreach - this was one of the points I made in this piece...

Given the additional elements of proof required for this piece and given it occurred 13 years ago (could be 14 years before any hearing), it was an area the PL obviously should have ignored especially given its (im)materiality. But they didn't. This suggests a lack of coherent, strategic thinking on the part of the PL.
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Boris,Liz or Rishi ?
The only true PM
What because I have said something that could possibly be construed in me being conscious of a possible negative outcome for City? My god have a look through my posts do you see anything in them that suggests anything but sickening obsession with City?

People are allowed to say things on forums that create debate its the whole point.
Making shit up that has no basis in reality isn't creating debate, it's talking bollocks.

Also called journalism nowadays BTW.
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Lets not forget that for the PL to make good on this one, you'd have to add in at least, AL JAZIRA SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB LIMITED, SPARKLEGLOW HOLDINGS LTD and, individually, Roberto Mancini and Phil Anderton (CEO that signed for Al Jazira) as yet further third parties to a conspiracy to save MCFC the £1.5m cost. None of these entities are likely to give witness evidence in support of the conspiracy/sham. Without that, this one looks very very difficult to prove to me if the panel are working to a High Court, English Law standard (as they should be).

There is a further aspect that shouldn't be ignored (in my opinion). Sometimes even decent lawyers/organisations are simply naive and don't really understand the substance/consequence of the allegations they are making. It is not impossible for organisations to overreach - this was one of the points I made in this piece...

Given the additional elements of proof required for this piece and given it occurred 13 years ago (could be 14 years before any hearing), it was an area the PL obviously should have ignored especially given its (im)materiality. But they didn't. This suggests a lack of coherent, strategic thinking on the part of the PL.

Thanks for this - really enjoyed the Examiner piece.

I suppose from the club’s perspective it doesn’t really matter why the PL have brought these charges. Whether they were under massive pressure from the red shirts, whether they over reached themselves, whether they genuinely believe that the integrity of their product requires them to go over Mancini’s contract in 2012 or Yaya’s image rights payment with a fine tooth comb, the club still have to face the charges and deal with them on their merits. The mistakes the PL made as regards the rules they alleged we had broken is a matter that, in itself, has no substance, but it does point towards getting the charges out in a hurry. (And it’s quite amusing that we can point to being charged with letting the grass grow too long, which does help in PR terms if not in legal terms.) The mistakes are in themselves suggestive (though not conclusive) of the PL being under a certain degree of pressure. It is interesting but probably fruitless to speculate on who put the. Under that sort of pressure and why.

Completely agree on the need for evidence that neither party under the various contracts intended to abide by the terms of those contracts before these charges could be upheld. You simply can’t say of a contract that appears to have been entered into for valid reasons (and was relied on by both parties) “yeah well that’s bogus” unless both parties accept (or, having heard from both parties the tribunal accepts) that in truth neither intended to be bound by its terms. It’s no small thing to allege that a transaction is a sham. The PL appear to have done that with gay abandon.
This has been done to death earlier in the thread. Maybe we need a FAQ thread on this. This would qualify for a VFAQ. (A sort of Europa league for FAQs. You'll know all about the Europa league, being a Chelsea fan and all.)

Their case is that we have knowingly failed to provide accounts that give a true and fair view of the financial circumstances of the club. So, taking the Etihad sponsorship as an example, their case is (a) HHSM/ADUG provided MCFC with funding that was in reality owner investment, but (b) this was dishonestly presented in the accounts as sponsorship from Etihad in order to circumvent FFP rules. The problem with the FA's case is that not only do our audited accounts show that this was actually genuine sponsorship income paid for services rendered, but so do Etihad's audited accounts. So they need to prove that this is not just a case of City getting one past our own auditors, this was basically a conspiracy at a very high level in Abu Dhabi that involved two major international companies presenting accounts that were known to be false. As has been made clear ad nauseam, this is an extremely serious allegation, that is tantamount to an actual allegation of fraud.

The consequence in limitation terms is this. I will break it down into paragraphs, that might help.

1. The arrangements between MCFC and the PL are essentially contractual, and subject to English law.

2. Unlike the UEFA rules, the PL rules do not include any limitation period. However, because the arrangements are subject to English law, the general limitation period of 6 years applies. See point 1.

3. The limitation period is however suspended in a case (I paraphrase in the interests of brevity) where fraud is alleged until the fraud comes to light. It is at that point that the 6 year period begins to run.

4. What this means is that if the PL can establish fraud, the 6 year period will not apply until the fraud came to light, which was the publication of the Der Spiegel articles in 2018.

5. To get over that hurdle, however, the PL needs to adduce very cogent evidence. And if they cannot, the ordinary 6 year rule will apply. See point 2.

6. For that reason, the charge of fraud is central to the case for two reasons: (a) because that is precisely what the PL is alleging, and (2) because if they cannot establish fraud, the complaints that pre-date 2017 (ie six years before the complaint was made) are time-barred.

Thanks Chris. How would you even evidence that level of fraud? Surely you’d need eye witnesses and testimonies.
Thanks Chris. How would you even evidence that level of fraud? Surely you’d need eye witnesses and testimonies.
Yes, I think so. Take the Etihad sponsorship issue. Our accounts say “Etihad sponsored us £X.” The auditors look at the contract, tick that box, look at the bank statements, see £X coming in to City’s bank accounts from Etihad, tick that box and move on to the next bit.

Meanwhile, in a different accountant’s office, Etihad’s accounts say “We sponsored City £X.” Their auditors look at the contract , tick that box, look at the bank statements, see £X going from Etihad to MCFC, tick that box and move on to the next bit.

Given that our accounts mirror Etihad’s in this respect I don’t see how you can establish fraud without some actual direct, first hand evidence that the payment from Etihad to MCFC was actually disguised owner investment rather than what it appears to be on the face of the documents. Someone who says, in effect, “I know what the accounts say but I was in the meeting where the question for discussion was how we camouflage ADUG putting £X into MCFC without UEFA getting wind of it, and that’s what we actually did. I know because I was there.”

Maybe they have that evidence. But I don’t see how a paper trail alone can possibly get them there. Which, as I understand it, is all they have.
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When i was stood in the Bernabeu watching the Blues play Real I can honestly say that at no time did I ever question the integrity of financial shenanigans that goes on in global corporations. But sometimes when I recall the following I do wonder:-

In 2008 Barclays Bank (the main sponsor of the Premier League for many years) was essentially bankrupt. The UKGOV were desperate for anyone to save the bank by buying a majority shareholding. In a £3.5B deal brokered by Amanda Stavely (yes thats' right, now a co-owner of NUFC) the bank was saved by HHSM. So there was no notion of disguised equity funding by a nation state when it came to the PL sponsors. No, because at the time those concepts had not been created and targeted at MCFC by professor Wegner. It would seem Barclays Bank (the main sponsors of that paragon of virtue the Premier League) were guilty of serious deceit when negotiating the deal. But of course that didn't stop the PL taking the sponsorship on any ethical/moral grounds.

You could not make this stuff up. In case of any doubters here are some MSM links to the events :-

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