PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I'm constantly amazed at the number of people who don't believe that the media indulges in systematic bias against certain clubs, when they absolutely do. I'm similarly amazed by those people who will acknowledge the possibility of political bias on the front pages of particular newspapers, but deny the same possibility when it comes to the back pages.
Just taking the Mail as an example, every article comes with a comments section. The paper's aim is to ensure that as many people as possible click on those articles, in order that they might maximise the advertising revenue central to their continued existence. It does this on the front pages by appealing to its largest readership demographic. Endless negative stories about lefties, teachers, lazy public servants, Meghan Markle, soft judges, asylum seekers, the cancel culture, 'militant' unions, remoaners, Gary Lineker etc etc are always the order of the day, because the Mail knows its foam flecked gammon army will hammer away with such fury that their keyboards will catch fire.
As to the back pages then, which two clubs have far and away the biggest fan bases in this country? And which club do you think is an oven ready enemy for both, having deprived them of hundreds of millions in prize money and trophies since 2011? Once you've joined the dots by answering those two questions, the penny should drop. City have been portrayed as football ruining, cheating, nouveau riche, sportswashing, plastic, no European pedigree, obscene spending (complete with squad cost comparisons, once famously when we weren't even one of the teams playing), human rights abusing, dodgy Arab owned, corrupt, 'dirty' oil money funded, success buying filth, non-stop for 15 years now, and our 'guilt' as regards the current PL investigation has long since been declared as fact.
Other papers, most notably the Guardian, have clear editorial policies when it comes to City and I defy you to find a single article from Miguel Delaney, Barney Ronay, Jonathan Liew etc that doesn't contain at least one of the phrases "state owned project", "oil funded" or "sportswashing". I've seen other journalists call our fans 'grubby apologists' and 'filthy rats', I've seen domestic broadcasters stuff their panels with rag pundits for our European games and listened to them call us mercenaries and wait until the half time interval to pan the camera around the crowd and sneer at us for having empty seats, and I've turned on the radio and heard us called "disgusting" and a "Frankenstein club". It's been relentless and no other club has ever had to put up with an onslaught of even remotely comparable degree. It doesn't mean that all journalists and broadcasters are out to get us, but compared to our immediate rivals we're a country mile ahead in the vilification stakes
You really have no idea about the UEFA investigation. I know for certain that the process was corrupted. You have not even read the CAS documents.
CAS in case1 said that City stood no chance of a fair hearing while Leterme was in the chair. The press, of course, did not report that just saying City lost the case. CAS ruled they had no jurisdiction in an unfinished case, but were clear where their sympathies lay.
Spot on. UEFA had nothing save the hacked emails (& some of those had been “doctored”). Throughout the process, there were leaks to selected journalists like that moron Panja at the New York Times.
The Premier League itself was founded upon the greed of certain clubs, aided and abetted by an ex-Chairman of Spurs - who happened to make satellite receivers - and seemingly leaked details of the TV rights bidding process to Sky in order for them to win.
Or should I say win-win (££££££££££ Ker-ching).
Not much integrity around…
When ITV were counter bidding Sugar left the room, rang Sky and told them to “blow ITV out of the water”.
There again maybe the PL now being threatened by an independent Gov Regulator is demonstrating how capable it is in controlling leaks?
Hopefully their behaviour in not following established protocol (and decency) by informing the national press of the charges at the same time as they informed the recipient of the charges will have cast them in an extraordinarily bad light with the regulator, even though said regulator wasn't in situ at the time.

Without actually shouting their aims from the rooftops, the rag/red led with hunt really couldn't be more explicit about their aims, with press leaks and the like... rewind to 2018/19 and we had constant media drip feed about potential uefa sanctions as the title run in intensified...

In the week leading up to the Villa game last season we had noises in the media about the PL moving to conclude their investigation with the suggestion that serious charges were impending.

A person could suspect that these events were a deliberate attempt to disrupt one club to the advantage of another. The fact that in both these instances it was the same two clubs involved merely strengthens that feeling.

If we keep the title race tight to the end of the season I can't wait to see what they come up with to help the Tarqs...
most probably wrong thread but just seen that Masters being quized on football governance
wow he couldnt get words out going on about nothing to do with question called that crouch? (missed her name) the report writer as good as a lier
i know only snippet shown but a person with so much power was jibbering wreck

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