PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Stop posting Harris ffs.

The guy is howling at the moon mental and not only desperately needs help but he desperately wants and need attention to put food on the table.

Those of you who keep reposting his nonsense thinking you’re proving some point are as bad as he is.

Ignore and don’t feed.

Yep I blocked him so his posts never popped up on my X app
Stop posting Harris ffs.

The guy is howling at the moon mental and not only desperately needs help but he desperately wants and need attention to put food on the table.

Those of you who keep reposting his nonsense thinking you’re proving some point are as bad as he is.

Ignore and don’t feed.

Hmm. I am not normally someone who says stop reposting Twitter accounts because it makes them a little money. I think it is important to see what our detractors are saying. But in this guy's case, you are probably right. He should be treated more as a deranged United or Liverpool fan than, say, a journalist. So yes, should probably be ignored along with all the other saddos who post ill-informed rants .....
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Think I called him a lying fucker and a shit excuse for a journalist

That should do it.

I just pointed out why that piece of his that purported to show the feelings of fans towards their club's owners based on replies to his Twitter account was flawed on a statistical basis.

Should have just told him to fuck off. Would have been much more cathartic.
Hmm. I am not normally someone who says stop reposting Twitter accounts because it makes them a little money. I think it is important to see what our detractors are saying. But in this guy's case, you are probably right. He should be treated more as a deranged United or Liverpool fan than, say, a journalist. So yes, should probably be ignored along with all the other saddos who post ill-informed rants .....

The only way Harris can make money is off these digs at City. Nobody is giving him work in good faith as they know he’s bonkers.

An average tweet of his writing nonsense about City might get say 5000 impressions on Twitter. Once some weirdo reposts it on here it jumps to 50,000 impressions.

He then goes to the Mail on Sunday with his 50,000 impressions about City and if the KAM is low on their monthly targets they give him an article to bump up their numbers off City fans. He gets £500 if he’s lucky, The Mail make £5k and none of it possible if weirdos would just stop reposting his shite.
The only way Harris can make money is off these digs at City. Nobody is giving him work in good faith as they know he’s bonkers.

An average tweet of his writing nonsense about City might get say 5000 impressions on Twitter. Once some weirdo reposts it on here it jumps to 50,000 impressions.

He then goes to the Mail on Sunday with his 50,000 impressions about City and if the KAM is low on their monthly targets they give him an article to bump up their numbers off City fans. He gets £500 if he’s lucky, The Mail make £5k and none of it possible if weirdos would just stop reposting his shite.

Crikey I might start writing myself, now where’s my bingo card?
It doesn’t does it mate, or his supposed friends.
This is a really good point. If the other WhatsApp cunts had a shred of decency they’d be having a word and suggesting he gets some help.

They are clearly content with his role as a useful idiot.

Absolute shower of cunts.

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