PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The only way Harris can make money is off these digs at City. Nobody is giving him work in good faith as they know he’s bonkers.

An average tweet of his writing nonsense about City might get say 5000 impressions on Twitter. Once some weirdo reposts it on here it jumps to 50,000 impressions.

He then goes to the Mail on Sunday with his 50,000 impressions about City and if the KAM is low on their monthly targets they give him an article to bump up their numbers off City fans. He gets £500 if he’s lucky, The Mail make £5k and none of it possible if weirdos would just stop reposting his shite.
Absolutely. Keeping an eye on our detractors can be done easily without a direct link to it. Soz halfcenturyup
He’s mentally ill. City have never been convicted of cheating. They agreed a settlement in 2014 to a rules breach just like dozens of other clubs have done. Convictions only happen in criminal trials.
Spot on. If our 2014 breach is now the definition of cheating, then the likes of United and Chelsea are cheats as well, along with dozens of other clubs across Europe such as our opponents in last season’s CL Final who just happen to be in the middle of their second settlement agreement.

Nick Harris - if you’re reading this (and I bet you are seeing as though City live in your head rent free 24/7/365), I’m very sorry that you lost your wife but that doesn’t excuse you from being a ****, and I hope your next shit is a hedgehog you despicable twat. Now let’s see you Tweet that you fucking shithouse.
Cheeky bastards. They have been fucking up the football ecosystem for years. Another new regulation passed to go after sporting competition. How long before the red tops do the same to us?

Franco returned?
You could bet your life, if it wasn't for Brexit we would have been included in this political attack. This was also a factor in the red tops conspiring to force through the speculative PL charges.
Litigation in sport is heading into a golden era, the legal firms will be making absolute fortunes for years to come.
This thread is mad. 25,000+ posts on pretty much no information.

The charges probably galvanised us to win the treble.

We've seen a list of the charges and Stefan and Colin have done their best to spell out what they believe they relate to, without certainty as no information is in the public eye.

Even when the panel meets, we will not have any information until a decision is made.

Will it make 100,000 posts before a decision is made?

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