We did take a “pinch” before! So it can’t be totally ruled out.
I would say apart from the bravado on show, the club just want this whole mess to go away and for them to be accepted. Before all this financial shit started I would hazard a guess that Khaldoon had no interest in taking on the cartel or breaking ffp. We seemingly have no choice now because they won’t play nicely with us.
What we are seeing is a power play to control football by keeping the status quo using any tactic necessary. It’s a dirty business fight to see who comes out on top for the next 30,40,50 years.
The not so impartial media have taken the side of the red teams due the aforementioned clubs popularity and ability to garner huge commercial gains. The premier league have also taken sides which is disappointing.
We are not wanted because it causes too much competition and loss of revenue for certain clubs.
Crucified before we even got the chance to put on our coat to answer the charges. Right & wrong doesn't come into it imo.
Now the fight is heading towards a hidden tribunal. Boats loads of legal texts that can be manipulated to suit whatever argument you want to convey.
City are up against a system designed to keep us as a second class football club. We have enough money tho to keep this case going around in circles for years. We may have no choice but to wait them out now.
Buckle up.