While you are here, could you think about this for a moment?
"In respect of each of Seasons 2009/10 to 2017/18 inclusive, the Premier League Rules applicable in those seasons that required provision by a member club to the Premier League, in the utmost good faith, of accurate financial information that gives a true and fair view of the club’s financial position, in particular with respect to its revenue (including sponsorship revenue), its related parties and its operating costs".
I have been struggling with this a little. There is no requirement in the PL Handbook or the Companies Acts for an annual report to be accurate. They have to give a true and fair view which, as we know, is different. Accurate is absolute, true and fair introduces the question of materiality. So when they say "accurate financial information that gives a true and fair view", are they not mixing up two issues? I suppose they could be talking about supplementary information not in the annual report being accurate, but then they shouldn't have conflated the two concepts?