PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Just caught the start of ITV News when they read out the main stories... and the woman said "The PL have gone to war with Man City which could see them being kicked out of the league" and her voice went up in the way they do when they're reading good news. Sick of it all, not sure I've got the energy for all this shit again
Of course, now Martin Samuel has quit the daily Fail, they are trolling City and predicting Pep will leave. Whatever happened to innocent until proved guilty?
My take from Gaughan was more a case of City need to bolster /offer more support for Pep at press conferences as @flb
and myself were just discussing, eg for this weeks have someone else alongside him perhaps to field these off-pitch matters.

They were playing it up for the Red readership though, agreed.
Well, if they have located this third party, and managed to link transactions from them to club employees, without the club acknowledging them in their accounts, then you clearly have off the books transactions.

They could have very well approached former employees and got this info straight from the horses mouth. It wouldn't necessary have any implications on them, as players do sign separate image deals, commercial incomes, play bonuses etc...

But this activity has to show on the clubs accounts, and if they don't, then the disparity in the accounting is fairly obvious.

You could potentially be paying someone 80 grand a week salary, on the books, but then have a further 100 grand per week under the table. The player is not liable for it, although it is a bit dodgy, but they can just blame it on their agents who did all the paperwork for them.

100+ breaches could be just that. In the form of transactions from a third party, to employees which do not show up in any of the clubs accounts. The club could potentially deny all knowledge of this 3rd party, but they've probably already established the direct link. Which is why they are so confident to announce it to the world.
Not completely sure you know what you are talking about.
Honestly i will be glad to see the back of these investigations. I do think we will win personally. I think we have our accounts in order and i dont think the premier league have anything and are using this investigation to try and show that they are in control so the government dont intervene then.

I personally think the amount of charges are just laughable and are done in the hope that something sticks but theyve completely cut their nose of to spite their face here. They put their own product at risk of becoming an embarrassment and at risk of all corruption coming into public domain.

i also think the seriousness of some of the charges are so they can circumvent the 6 year statute of limitations rule under English law.

The premier league have just shown the world that they are incompetent organisation who are controlled by the cartel clubs and cant even run their own league impartially.

Ive never really been one for the independent regulator but get it. Id rather have the government implementing rules rather than the league who have given too much power to the cartel clubs.

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