PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Not sure why you doubt it? The burden of proof on charges like this are very high. If they had a smoking gun surely it would have been leaked and a lot quicker. This is only being dragged out to appease your Simon Jordan’s and his army of white van man listeners.
if they had a smoking gun beleive me they would most likely have given us some form of interim punishment to stop us in the title race and keeping us out of the top 5, they have nothing a big fat zero, said it from day one that these charges will never see the inside of a hearing room
If the case falls apart before getting to the hearing then all football fans outside City will attribute it to some sort of corruption.

We deserve our day in court to clear our name.
I 'm starting to think the entire thing is just purely designed to blacken the clubs name, got to say in that it's certainly worked. Was on the BBC report on Tuesdays game and one Scouse fuckwit was proclaiming we only got off a European ban as 2 CAS members were CFG employees. Embittered fuckin wankers.
There were rumours 3 or 4 weeks across most media outlets that City might get away with it.
People in the know are finding out info from their various sources and if they are right things are beginning to unravel for the accusers.
It very easy to throw accusations around the hard bit is having the evidence to prove them.
It appears that the chickens maybe coming home to roost .
Social media has been in overdrive today about us getting relegated. It’s been relentless! Even that prick Geoff shreeves has been sticking his oar in. Something has upset the fuckers! Hmmm

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