PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

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All this talk of United ground sharing with Livarpool or Everton really disregards the travel problems for the United fans in getting to Liverpool for home matches.

The only solution that will take pressure off the roads and rail services is for United to play their home matches at Wembley!

They may even decide to stay there?
We can only hope, though as well they will have to grounshare wembley with us every may whether they like it or not!
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Ha, don't get me wrong. I don't really give a shit what Brexit Jim thinks of us, and there's obviously an ulterior motive for some of his quotes (probably because they might need to groundshare for a season or two if they rebuild Old Trafford). I just thought it was noteworthy in the context of this thread.
I was told last summer that united had approached both City and liverpool about a possible groundshare while OT was rebuilt on the existing footprint. Both clubs gave them a firm 'no'.
I'm saving this one for when we're cleared of all charges...

Dear BBC Panorama Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you with a story suggestion that I believe warrants serious consideration for investigation by your esteemed program. As an avid follower of football and a concerned citizen, I urge the BBC Panorama team to explore the phenomenon of media bias and propaganda surrounding Manchester City Football Club and its impact on the wider footballing community.

In recent years, there has been growing evidence of a concerted effort by certain media outlets, particularly those associated with rival clubs such as Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, and Tottenham, to discredit Manchester City Football Club through a relentless campaign of negative press and misinformation. This campaign, which I refer to as a "sportswashing media witch hunt," has had far-reaching implications for the club, its supporters, and the integrity of the sport itself.

The narrative propagated by these outlets portrays Manchester City as cheats and frauds, with the aim of influencing Premier League organizations and football fans across the country. This concerted effort, spearheaded by a cartel of clubs seeking to maintain their dominance, has created a toxic atmosphere of hostility and mistrust within the footballing community.

What is particularly troubling is the apparent collusion between certain media figures, ex-footballers, and representatives of rival clubs to perpetuate this narrative. Presenters and commentators affiliated with these clubs have utilized their platforms to disseminate biased views and unfounded allegations against Manchester City, further fuelling the campaign of misinformation.

Furthermore, there are concerns regarding the potential influence of former executives of rival clubs in key positions within the Premier League, which may have led to decisions and policies that unfairly target Manchester City. The implementation of Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations, for example, has raised serious questions about the integrity and fairness of the governing bodies entrusted with upholding the principles of the game.

I believe that a thorough investigation by the BBC Panorama team could shed light on these allegations and uncover any instances of media manipulation, institutional bias, or conflicts of interest within the footballing establishment. It is essential that the truth be exposed and that justice prevails, not only for the sake of Manchester City Football Club but for the integrity of football as a whole.

Thank you for considering this story suggestion. I am confident that the BBC Panorama team will approach this investigation with the professionalism and integrity that it deserves.

Yours sincerely,
I specifically logged in tonight instead of lurking to 'like' this, absolutely superb, can't wait to watch the Documentary in the near future, if and I mean a big if Panorama have got the balls to do it...
All this talk of United ground sharing with Livarpool or Everton really disregards the travel problems for the United fans in getting to Liverpool for home matches.

The only solution that will take pressure off the roads and rail services is for United to play their home matches at Wembley!

They may even decide to stay there?
Not fair on the good people of London who are relived to get rid of them for 12hours, twice a month
I'm saving this one for when we're cleared of all charges...

Dear BBC Panorama Team,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to you with a story suggestion that I believe warrants serious consideration for investigation by your esteemed program. As an avid follower of football and a concerned citizen, I urge the BBC Panorama team to explore the phenomenon of media bias and propaganda surrounding Manchester City Football Club and its impact on the wider footballing community.

In recent years, there has been growing evidence of a concerted effort by certain media outlets, particularly those associated with rival clubs such as Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, and Tottenham, to discredit Manchester City Football Club through a relentless campaign of negative press and misinformation. This campaign, which I refer to as a "sportswashing media witch hunt," has had far-reaching implications for the club, its supporters, and the integrity of the sport itself.

The narrative propagated by these outlets portrays Manchester City as cheats and frauds, with the aim of influencing Premier League organizations and football fans across the country. This concerted effort, spearheaded by a cartel of clubs seeking to maintain their dominance, has created a toxic atmosphere of hostility and mistrust within the footballing community.

What is particularly troubling is the apparent collusion between certain media figures, ex-footballers, and representatives of rival clubs to perpetuate this narrative. Presenters and commentators affiliated with these clubs have utilized their platforms to disseminate biased views and unfounded allegations against Manchester City, further fuelling the campaign of misinformation.

Furthermore, there are concerns regarding the potential influence of former executives of rival clubs in key positions within the Premier League, which may have led to decisions and policies that unfairly target Manchester City. The implementation of Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations, for example, has raised serious questions about the integrity and fairness of the governing bodies entrusted with upholding the principles of the game.

I believe that a thorough investigation by the BBC Panorama team could shed light on these allegations and uncover any instances of media manipulation, institutional bias, or conflicts of interest within the footballing establishment. It is essential that the truth be exposed and that justice prevails, not only for the sake of Manchester City Football Club but for the integrity of football as a whole.

Thank you for considering this story suggestion. I am confident that the BBC Panorama team will approach this investigation with the professionalism and integrity that it deserves.

Yours sincerely,
Not a cat in hell's chance any British media organisation goes there mate, unless a proven crime has been committed first
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