PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

football is a mess and the greed of the 3 red tops +1 look set on destroy our game.

These clubs that are being charged arent in a financial mess. It is ridiculous that you can huge debt fail the UEFA ffp but still pass the pl ffp

How can football allow rags to be nearly a billion in debt, a stadium that is falling down, roof leaks like a sieve, cant even put a big screen in the swamp, rags want the tax payers to pay for a new stadium. All this is ok under ffp it's a fucking joke.

Why other clubs are now waking up to it is beyond me, it was obvious want was the plan was. But still these clubs bang on 'what about City'. Bloody hell we arent the bad guys it's the 3 red tops +1 who are the bad guys.
We are the club that used to be ‘normal’ until we won the lotto then our ‘friends’ decided to become consumed with jealousy and hate.

So although they may not like the red clubs, they never hated them to this extent and accepted their historical position as the natural order but with city it’s a different type of hate that has lost a sense of decency.

The hate is wrapped in jealously that’s why it is rampant. Imagine your mate won the lottery, next things he is driving around in a fancy car with a big new house and a sexy baldy under his arm. Instead of moving away, he is on the tele 24/7 winning.

Anyway, the rules are on the rocks:

Everton who are pricks
Forest okish
Leicester taking the fight to court is welcome.

All the while, rags owe a billion and have already avoided scrutiny with the yanky murdering folk already buried their indiscretions under a fake build.

Who’s next? Tell you who it won’t be? The mighty fucking blues -:)
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The two aren’t mutually exclusive and in my estimation he is unquestionably useless.

Firstly, he was picked after others were appointed and subsequently inexplicably resiled from taking the role. That is very telling imo, given the profile and responsibility attached to the job. Being offered a such a job then walking away is highly unusual. For it to happen more than once, truly exceptional. This demonstrates that he wasn’t objectively the ‘best’ candidate and also that he was likely prepared to operate in a way the others weren’t - but that doesn’t stop him being useless.

Secondly, he has spectacularly miscalculated with regards to these charges against City and has placed the PL in a wholly unnecessary and invidious position. This demonstrates extremely poor judgement and lack of vision, both loudly proclaiming his uselessness.

Thirdly is the wider way the financial rules are currently playing out within the most successful sporting brand in human history, on his watch. He is presiding over a farce in relation to financial restrictions within the most commercially successful sporting product on the planet. That is actually absurd and further underlines his uselessness.

Fourthly, I’ve seen and heard him talk. A conspicuously unimpressive and uncharismatic man. Not someone who I think is remotely suited to a role that is palpably considerably above his talents.

In short, he is a useless ****.
Surely they must take a vote in their boardrooms to proceed ?, what the fuck is Manu fan Alisson fucking Brittain doing over this shambles. You ld never believe were European Champions,thank god we've adopted a legend like Pep into our family, his tears at the end of the Villa game meant the world to me.
I'm not arguing for PSR, but I thought the argument for not uprating with inflation was that they didn't want clubs losing money.
The problem with fixed limits like that is that it will prevent any challenge to the existing order. No updating for inflation will make it harder and harder for any team to break into the elite group.

For many years, United, Liverpool, Arsenal, and Chelsea locked out the top four. That gave them access to European money and they were barely challenged without any spending restrictions in place. Over a long period they locked out the top four apart from when Everton edged Liverpool out. The rules were changed to put Liverpool back the in CL and Everton fell in the payoff round.

It was only when challenges from Spurs, City, (and later Newcastle) came in to that four that the established G14 clubs came up with FFP. It is now being used by the US owned clubs to ensure they can make money and stifle competition. Newcastle are being hidebound by FFP. Villa will probably be prevented from mounting a serious fight.

Such limits will prevent much challenge to the biggest clubs and destroy any real competition. I am sure that once these charges are dismissed, City will be happy with FFP.

That doesn’t make it right.
surley this whole FFP will collapse in on itself at some point, have heard a few pundits now saying that the leauge is in a mess,

Is £105m high enough?

Extract from The Athletic 17th January 2024.

Kieran Maguire, a football finance expert and host of The Price of Football podcast, suggests there is an argument for the £105million to be increased in line with football inflation.

“The inflation issue for PSR is that there’s a case for saying that the original allowable loss of £105m should take into account changing circumstances concerning clubs’ buying power and acceptable losses,” Maguire told The Athletic.

Since the three-year figure was set in 2013, football-related prices have gone up, whether that is player wages or transfer fees.

“Inflation eats away at buying power and in taxation, this is addressed by increasing the personal allowance (the amount you can earn before you start paying tax),” Maguire adds. “Failure to do this creates ‘fiscal drag’ where more and more people are captured by tax and higher tax rates.

“I applied the same principle to Premier League PSR and took the 2013 wages and compared them to 2022 (and a few clubs for 2023). If £105m was deemed fair in 2013, then adjusted for current wages, £218m would be ‘fair’ now.”

If the allowable losses had risen in line with football inflation to £218m, then Everton, Nottingham Forest, Leicester (maybe Chelsea) would have been well within the limit and Newcastle would have been able to spend more freely.

The main reason for the current mess appears to be the PL failure to include an allowance for inflation in their 3 year threshold calculations.
If the aim of FFP is to protect clubs then it makes no sense to raise the limits particularly if income isn't rising. If a club is at risk from £105m of debt then surely the risk is increased if the allowable loses increases
Next premier meeting I'd presume they'll be talking about the new PSR rules they want to vote in! Reports that it going to be bit like the uefa one? Maybe a few clubs will be angry and want to change it to something else?
When will the fans of all the other premier league clubs realise City are not the bad guys in all of this. There are going to be more clubs dragged into this scenario and even more fans will be affected. The 3 red clubs have destroyed the Premier league with there greed and power and needs to be brought to justice.
When will the fans of all the other premier league clubs realise City are not the bad guys in all of this. There are going to be more clubs dragged into this scenario and even more fans will be affected. The 3 red clubs have destroyed the Premier league with there greed and power and needs to be brought to justice.

The hedge fund American owners have! Am sure in America you can't buy any sports club using hedge funds!

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