PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think that’s fair comment and is absolutely not what I meant. However, can anyone honestly say the current approach is having a positive effect on how the club is perceived?

Logic (and some emotion tbf) points to these charges being completely without substance. That also appears to be the prevailing view on here. On that basis, why don’t the club exercise control over the narrative a little more, rather than allow lies and falsehoods to take root and flourish as they have hitherto? I could understand the reticence if there was any substance to these hugely serious allegations, but I do not believe there is, and I therefore think the club needs to seize the initiative a little more as the current radio silence is causing more harm than this shift in approach would imo. Especially at this time, when the whole PL edifice around financial restrictions is becoming increasingly dysfunctional and is looking like it could fall anpart anytime.

There has to be some middle ground that departs from deafening silence. I don’t see what the club has to lose from that. It might not have any effect, and is unlikely going to have an overwhelmingly positive impact, but it will make a material difference to the optics imo, given the nature of the charges and how long they have been in force - and public.

It’s about exercising a small degree of control over the narrative, when we currently have absolutely none.

That’s what I meant when I said act like champions.
Like we've seen with these charges once can of worms opened you can't go back and the shit they protest to much shows guilt will be narrative
I’m not sure the club would listen, mate.
Couldn't the supporters club be more pro active. Even issuing press release reminding everyone that the position has not changed. Manchester City have irrefutable evidence that despite all the recent publicity surrounding Everton and Forest we have done nothing wrong. It would be great if say Martin Samuels and others would be on board.
I know what everyone is trying to say and you are all right. The FFP rules are poor and they are being changed to punish certain clubs and restrict their investment. But Everton and Forest (and Chelsea for that matter) weren't affected by those rule changes. They spent more than they knew they "should" have according to the rules, banked on a fine and then panicked when points deductions started to be handed out. They should have been more prudent.
Everything you say is correct, but the deterrent should have been in the rules from the start and not made up on a whim and then they and everyone else would have known the consequences of breaching them.
How hard would it have been to say ex amount of losses, equates to ex amount of points deduction when they first introduced the new rules.
Makes you wonder how he got so far up the corporate ladder! Simply being useless but outlasting everyone else? Nepotism? Willing to do the dirty?
Also, just an aside, didn’t one of the others originally accept the position, learnt more about the role and then backed out? Or am I misremembering?

It is my theory,that his uselessness, idiocy and lack of charisma is the reason they approved him. Incompetency is a very good cover.

We’ll see in a few years when he loses his job.I don’t think he’ll be unemployed long and wouldn’t be surprised to see him gain some sort of advisory role in UEFA or god forbid some sort of new league
Business is flooded with useless cunts who roll up their trouser leg on a regular basis as members of the same club and shake hands in a secret way
The concern, and not without foundation, is the club carries on in the same vein after we are cleared.
In my eyes the club will carry on and move forward in the same vein like we did after the UEFA nonsense.
And remember this time last year the Premier League dropped the 115 charges shite on us. What happened? We went on and won the treble.
I like to think this club does it's talking where it matters which is on the pitch whilst the rest of them obviously do their talking off the pitch.
The negative comments and the false accusations just seem to fuel us on to greater things.
There are now yes. It won't be sustainable. If Pep leaves and we go a few years without a trophy, or God forbid these charges stick they'll melt away. Us real legacy fans are at least in our sixties and above, when we go who fills the void?
"Real legacy fans" are the families who have stuck by the club forever, unfortunately the club are making it harder for the young members to continue the legacy

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