PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I've actually deleted all football subscriptions on youtube, podcasts, don't read any sport supplements on the media i've even deleted BBC sport so i'm completely oblivious to what's going on in the world of sport simply for my own mental well being and sanity ,he match is it as far as i am concerned. I personally can't alter anything so it's a case of que sera sera.
I did the exact same yesterday. I’m only getting any info from this forum for the time being.
Naturally, during cases evidence can come to light that attract the interest of the SFO (or others) or be escalated to them.

Investigations by regulatory bodies where their own powers are limited and where illegal activities are suspected, would normally be escalated to those who have greater powers of investigation and ability to seize documents etc. They will almost certainly have an obligation to do so where they lack the power.

At this stage there is no evidence to support criminal proceedings.
So this means it looks like we have broken rules but done nothing illegal? Perhaps someone should tell the press that.
Might be a daft and naive question this, but do the Premier League have any duty to be on top of stuff like the accounts on a year by year basis?

I mean, if they spot something wrong after year 1, 2 or 10, shouldn't they have to take this up with the club at that very point rather than let it go year after year until we're where we are?

Well we don’t fully know what’s happened until it’s in a case. We don’t know if they have taken it up with us and we haven’t complied, but even then, why wait so long to investigate and backdate all these charges?

If they had spotted something year after year and let it roll on 13 years while saying nothing, then it’s like entrapment. Rather than doing your job and keeping on top of it, you’re sitting back long enough for them to give them enough rope to hang themselves and then finally bring it up.

The FA have probably fucked up a fair bit so they’re just gonna try and throw enough shit and see what sticks, which probably means their case might not be that strong at all.
I agree. We are run by top people who will know the world is against them. I also believe culturally, we look to always abide by the rules.

It simply smacks of green eyed monsters looking to stir the pot.

I simply hope that once all charges have been proven to be wrong, we come out with a few home truths about regarding the PL, FA and others.

me too mate! Hopefully we are all clear and DONT agree to some sort of deal and expose any false accusations once and for all.
Get a grip. You can live in delusion if you like. I think most City fans would/have appreciated understanding the nature of the allegations and consequences IF the charges are proven (I made it clear that this was IF).

It isn't a fair criticism (IMO) simply to say I am too negative. It is, unfortunately, inconceivable the Panel doesn't throw the book at the club if these charges are proven. It is an ALLEGATION of wholesale false accounting over 9 seasons. I have said it will be extremely difficult for the PL to prove the case and highly complex and sensitive. I believe I have the understanding and experience to speak on the subject.

But again, I stress, IF proven we have a huge problem and telling me I should be embarrassed misses the point. The board will be the ones embarrassed and a lot more. Don't shoot the messenger.

Your deal in facts realism and that’s what I want to here not bullshit of city going have 100 lawyers all over it!
Sounds like there’s a whole kill squad out to take us down. One big fuck off collective between PL and clubs trying to rush the process through fuck the lot of them CTID!!
I’m no expert but If we break down all the allegations. Am I right in thinking related party funding is the only one that would have severe consequences if found guilty?
Paying Mancini on the side is surely a matter for the inland revenue for example and would probably be a fine.
So FFP brought in to prevent clubs going out of business. Well we have not gone out of business. We are performing well and making profit. With no debt.
For me, not allowing a club to invest with owners own money still goes against the rules of business.
Had we have failed, been relegated, in financial turmoil and on the verge of going out of business, would they come for us? No is the answer.
The fact they have to keep chopping and changing the rules of FFP suggests it was not right in the first place.
We should join up with Newcastle, Everton, PSG etc and go after the legitimacy of FFP

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