PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This has probably been answered somewhere else in the 500 pages so apologies.

As I read it there are 115(?) Charges against us of falsifying accounts, which must include such things as tax evasion? If this was true and we were a firm, like BP, wouldn't the police be breaking down the doors and confiscating computers and accounts with the HMRC and SFO involved? Instead we have a private investigation. Most odd.
I don't think they said falsifying accounts. I think they said something like providing financial information that didn't give a true and fair view. Can't remember the exact words - getting old. Now, in financial circles, true and fair has a very specific meaning for annual accounts and isn't normally used for other financial information. I am guessing they are talking about the information we give in addition to the audited accounts, to do with analyses of numbers, future results and so on, in which case they should maybe have said something like materially misstated, or significantly in error.

Anyway, no-one knows do they? There is no detail. So it's pretty useless to speculate.
Agreed. This is what pisses me off even more, why are those rag cunts never under scrutiny?

And as for the chavs, where did that half billion suddenly come from, was that earned or did their owners just dip into their offshore funds for that?
They (Chelsea) were allowed to write off 1.5 billion in loans paid to the club by Abramovich when he agreed to sell the club. Some financial experts will be able to say it was within the rules but it doesn't half look like being given 1.5 billion as a gift which suddenly disappears off the books making the club suddenly 1.5 billion richer overnight.
I still find it difficult to comprehend what happened yesterday. At a stroke, the PL have accused us of the most serious corporate crimes, false accounting over a prolonged period. In layman’s terms, they have alleged that our board are systemic cheats and criminals.

The legal process will take fucking years to sort this out and all the time with that label hanging over our head with all of the implications that has for future sponsors and transfer activity And winning of trophies. We may win at the high court in 10 years time but what damage will we have sustained by then.

If our case is rock steady can we not take action against the PL now for defamation and a blatant serious and sustained attack on our club? Can we take action against members of the PL board as individuals. I would like us to be ultra aggressive with the media. If they report any of this other than they are unproven allegations then go for their throats. We have taken a passive and forgiving stance throughout this war and look where it has got us.

I cannot see how things can go back to ‘normal’ after this.
It's extraordinary. I don't know how we can be accused of very serious accounting malpractice and yet see our case go to an independent hearing of this kind. The Serious Fraud Office and/or HMRC must surely be taking an interest in the explosive nature of these allegations. There will surely be questions about the competency of the PL if they failed to detect falsification, as well as many other bodies that scrutinised our accounts and ultimately signed them off. I agree with Stefan when he says that it is entirely plausible that the PL simply do not understand of what it is they are accusing City. This has the potential to become an extremely ugly affair and goes beyond the UEFA allegations in terms of severity. It would also appear that some of the professional courtesy that City shared with UEFA is lacking with the PL. After the CAS verdict, Khaldoon called Ceferin and they had a cordial conversation. I don't see something similar happening here - I think that the outcome could shake the foundations of the PL, particularly with independent regulation in the offing. I should imagine that the UK government will only be emboldened to introduce independent regulation if one of its key security allies and trade partners is wrongfully smeared by an organisation that is in the grip of certain members with too much influence.
Anyone who has ever entered a negotiation knows you overstate your position in order to settle at the best figure you can get.
Looks like the premier league are trying to puff up the whole thing into something it’s not. I mean including youth player contracts etc
I imagine they know full well half of this will be thrown out and they are hoping some will stick.
They will them punish us for some minimal stuff and act like we’re cheats

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