PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Has anybody commented on the significance of the timing of this from the PL and proposed White Paper from the government on Football Governance ? ( now pushed back 2 weeks as I understand it ) ?

Obviously 4 years in the making, but released unexpectedly - to the media before the accused party , nice touch from the impartial PL !

Sorry if it as , but the thread is moving fast .
It's taken over a decade for the PL to present their 'case' against us..

I hope for their sake that the spinless twats 'case' is as watertight as a nuclear sub because we've been waiting for this day to arrive..

All the media cowards that have now backed their house should be identified and fcuked off by the club.

I've given bingo and the pisscan some shit on here over the years but it appears the former has had enough media bullshit and the latter fcuked everyone off who wronged him, even the rag central, biased BBC.

Now's the time to clear the decks, get rid of the twats who have disrespected us for years and whilst we're at it, start to throw some serious shit back from where it came..

I'm sick and tired of being labelled cheats when all we have done is lift the PL to new heights and regenerate large chunks of East Manchester in the process.

I trust my club 100%, I wouldn't trust anything the PL have concocted against us.

Both the rags and dippers are for sale, apparently the dippers haven't had 1 offer.

The PL cash cows are at a crossroads and it looks like the PL and media think it's all City's fault..

Fkin good..!

Now let's put this to bed once and for all..!
Now that really is the spirit!
Unlikely I think. First, any outcome will be capable of being nuanced. Second, City fans and players will no doubt feel a sense of injustice above all. Third, most players are essentially pragmatic.
Fourth, most of the squad will have retired when this reaches its conclusion
Think you've answered your own question there :-)

The thing I find odd is this is a hell of a fight for the PL to pick because, hypothetically, even if they were to win, it could result in all sorts of ramifications they can't control. So I'm left with the thought that is it one of these...

1. Simply tactical relative to getting the idea of an independent regulator off the table and they have done this on the big assumption that after the furore dies down it'll drag on and at some point we'll take another relatively minor pinch but until then they can posture as necessary and point to their governance prowess.

2. A last throw of the dice to get rid of us by some vested interests who don't actually care if it backfires spectacularly because they have their escape routes planned and if they leave the game in a mess that's ok because they never really cared about it anyway.

3. They are people who have worked through all the scenarios and are confident they have the political backing and legs to ride out a geopolitical/diplomatic/economic shitshow.

4. Or as others have said they are simply overconfident/undercompetent.

Not sure which of these is most likely but the idea that our owners would just go 'fair cop' and slink off into the sunset seems so fanciful it must surely be one of those or a variation thereof?
My money would be on No.1 from a weak PL and No.2 from terrified red shirts.
Thankfully we don't have to prove we did nothing wrong, it's on the PL to prove that we did.

There doesn't seem to be any new evidence at this stage (partly because we aren't fully cooperating, but why would we potentially incriminate ourselves), so I don't think there is enough for an independent panel to agree we falsified our accounts. Big accusation on little evidence.

The charge(s) for not acting in good faith will most likely hold (like the CAS appeal) but I just don't see how they can conclude we are guilty of the others.
Those are apparently very big accusations (according to Stefan). They said that we falsified our accounts for 9 years, and also misled auditors for nine years. The accusation means that all our board directors had a part in falsifying the accounts (implication) and hence are dishonest. Its going to need tremendous proof to prove that claim.
Has anybody commented on the significance of the timing of this from the PL and proposed White Paper from the government on Football Governance ? ( now pushed back 2 weeks as I understand it ) ?

Obviously 4 years in the making, but released unexpectedly - to the media before the accused party , nice touch from the impartial PL !

Sorry if it as , but the thread is moving fast .
Very little in the media which is bizarre.
I would hope that common sense prevails here,and none of these mentioned "journalists" turn up at the ground on Sunday,as there could be a few incidents that could take place,I'd suggest they are better hiding behind their keyboards in their kitchens at home.

I'm not condoning violence,but quite a few are putting themselves out there with their ideas on what should happen IF found guilty,which isn't going to go down very well at all.

It will be toxic Sunday around that press box,can see it now
I'd piss myself if one of them gets a punch in the nose.

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