PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

‘Good evening, this is Clive Myrie on BBC 6 o’clock news, we start with the breaking news about the complete exoneration and dropping of all alleged charges against magnificent Manchester City football club by the premier league. To get the latest we go live to Dan Roan who is outside the magnificent Manchester City Etihad stadium. Dan, what does this all mean?’

‘Clive, you bluenose bastard, it means that City have done nothing wrong, and I’ve been telling lies for over 10 years about them, and now I’ve got this fucking letter <waves piece of paper> saying see you in court, signed Khaldoon, and I’ve got an appointment 1st thing tomorrow with the director general about why as head of sport I’ve had , in his words, ‘my head up my ass’ reporting on City. You can wipe that stupid grin off your face Clive!’

‘Well thanks Dan, I think you’ve said it all, and ill see you at your leaving wake tomorrow lunchtime, in other news there has been reports of mass piss boiling taking place in a diverse range of cities and countries, Liverpool, Most of London and the Home Counties, Ireland and
most of Scandinavia are suffering from localised tsunami’s of piss running through the streets… still never mind hey!’

If only it was like this, I imagine the BBC will throw it as a byline to when they tell you to look away to not see the scores during the news before Match Of The Day.
If true,then masters and co at the premier league should be sacked before they can resign,a public apology made to the club on every news Chanel going,make the cunts squirm.btw if and when the club win their case will the premier league have to pay the clubs legal costs
I hope City wring every penny out of PL along with anyone else whom we have a case against.

Additionally, I hope we use every medium to present the facts behind the charges including naming and shaming the perpetrators whom ever they are.

IMO we should campaign our innocence throughout the summer and autumn and respond vigorously to any underhand ‘shit’ that’s tried by anyone.

Our reputation and integrity has been publicly and globally traduced in a ‘clear & organised’ campaign to destroy the club.

If & when cleared I truly hope that we right all the wrongs, put the spotlight on the cartel clubs and their media lackeys and completely transform our reputation,integrity & global image.

Fuck them rigid and hold their feet to the fires of hell !!
For me, the big thing is the failure of the PL to properly assess the facts. They could easily have gathered all their evidence and then briefed a KC to give a full written opinion. It looks like they jumped into issuing charges too quickly. If they were under pressure from the Redshirts, the KC’s opinion would have sufficed, if not to satisfy them, at least to shut them up.
They could also have undertaken not to prosecute and held serious discussions with the club about the club‘s actions and lessons for the future.
What they have done is not professional nor normal business practice.
(All subject to a caveat that I am guessing about the PL‘s action and knowledge.)

The PL has been "played" perfectly by the club if you ask me.

The PL's first mistake was not to have taken the CAS findings into account in its investigation. That would have removed the questions around sponsorships, and therefore the true and fair view given by the accounts (Etihad is really the only issue that could have materially affected the accounts). By continuing the investigation into those areas, it gave the option to the club, that imo it rightly took, not to provide external evidence against the allegations and force the PL to shit (out some allegations they couldn't prove) or get off the can (close the investigation for lack of evidence).

The second mistake was not getting off the can, but shitting out 115 allegations without any chance, imo, of proving them to the panel. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the club is cleared of all the allegations, including non-cooperation, unless Khaldoon thinks a "pinch" may be politically worthwhile to position the club better with Masters within the PL, as the CAS debacle did with Ceferin at UEFA.

Exactly why the PL made those two "mistakes" is pretty clear, I think, but the PL should have handled this much better and more professionally, imho. I doubt we will ever see any confirmation, though.

Or I could be wrong, I suppose, and the PL has the club over a barrel :)
How much energy has the Premier League expanded since February 2020 until now in trying to go after City on behalf of their other stakeholders who play in red, because if they don’t they will go off an join the Super League?

They are in the process of ruining their product and weakening English football to go after one team. No wonder they are so against an independent commission as this will have to ask that question.
......and the £ cost £ !!
Ive thought since last saturday about sticking my head above the parapet about mentioning this because people generally get shot down.
On Saturday i was in the company of 4
City employees. All quite senior in there own roles , 2 who i am friends with. Was introduced to the others, one works on the legal side at the club.

It wasnt the setting to mither him about ‘115’ and im not like that anyway but i did , after a few pints, ask the question, “sorry i have to ask, in a sentence, what do you think”. His reply was straight to the point, “all total political bollocks, we will beat this because we have done absolutely nothing wrong. Watch this space”.

We did chat a bit about City as he was open to, and one thing he said was that where as a lot of employees dont always consider the fans as to them a lot of decisions made are just business but the very high up guys , khaldoon, txiki etc really do and will always say “what will the fans say/think?” when a decision that affects us has to be made.

So there ya go. Make of it as you will .
Thanks but I think a music video would have been more appropriate.
......and the £ cost £ !!
Ziegler claims the Premier League legal costs have soares ro circa 20M a year. Interested how much of that went to Nurse and Nurse who conducted the 4 year investigation into CIty including feaming the charges.
A 4 year contract with an international legal consultantcy would I think attract at least 14M of billing
So he's admitting things he writes are libellous (i.e. false). Writing a true fact cannot be libel, mate.
Opinion is fact unfortunately to most in today's world. Only our legal folks save us from reversing a hundred years.

I've long been of the opinion that the beginning of our demise as a society was when the back pages were allowed to peddle lies day in day out.

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