PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Define "a bit"

For homework look at:
Jordan (gob now shut)
The Notts forest fan (gob closing)
BBC HYS (lot easier to remove negative comments, all of a sudden)
General reporting (or lack of, in msm press)
X-twit comments
Bluemoon comments
"Leaks" from club (tenuous, but fuck it!)
Pep news conferences
My own perceptions of general nuance.

When you gather all these small thread strands together it turns into a pot towel that looks to be being flicked venomously at the testicles of all our detractors. Which leads me to believe the club is on the offensive.
Obs, I could be seeing things that aren't there, but hope springs eternal, as a famous saying goes.

You slap your evidence down now, chumley!

I raise you another…

Klopp deciding to leave Liverpool
I've 'liked' your post because I endorse the sentiment expressed in your final sentence (!!) but also mainly because you include a mention for what is arguably a contender for being 'The Greatest Album of All Time'*, namely Marvin Gaye's 'What's Going On' (* nb, other contenders are available..)

Were I to be wearing one, my cap would be doffed in your general direction, sir..

Anyway, back on thread, the English Red Cartel is a bunch of self-entitled twunts and to borrow from Santana, they deserve 'Everything (that's) coming (their) way..'
Preferred the track: inner city blues.
It will stop if City take out some of the more vocal and well known media people and make examples of them with writs etc , all the small voices will shut up and disappear . But if City go this route then it has to be total destruction no half measures, take the person, company,group,club etc and totally burn them, they have to be made an example off once and for all .
It won't stop it. The media, yes, but the damage has been done amongst the public who will just latch on to it as our mega rich money men have been able to silence any criticism through the depth of Sheikh Mansour's pockets.

The damage was done when we foolishly accepted "a pinch" at CAS when we should really have settled the issue for good. All that's happened since is the matter has been allowed to fester and the chants from opposition supporters will continue for years to come.

Sorry to be so negative with this message but we all know that this will happen for a long time yet
99.5% v 0.5% = Bollocks !!
It’s 100% vs 100% tho mate

They 100% hacked our systems
We 100% had poor enough data protection policies or practices which allowed them to do so repeatedly over a number of months, because let’s face facts, it wasn’t exactly a difficult hack was it?
It won't stop it. The media, yes, but the damage has been done amongst the public who will just latch on to it as our mega rich money men have been able to silence any criticism through the depth of Sheikh Mansour's pockets.

The damage was done when we foolishly accepted "a pinch" at CAS when we should really have settled the issue for good. All that's happened since is the matter has been allowed to fester and the chants from opposition supporters will continue for years to come.

Sorry to be so negative with this message but we all know that this will happen for a long time yet
Who cares about the public ? If the media didn't keep pushing it the public would forget and get on and find something else to be outraged about .
Wasn't it that he used a password of someone who was still employed at City, presumably a trusted employee, to gain access as he could not access the system with the password he used whilst employed by City.
Just as an aside, how long after leaving City did he become a thief, do they have a fast track for thievery at livarpool or is it just something in the air;-)
Sharing passwords is verboten. Only Administrator should be able to access your account.

Seen this floating around on social idea who it originated from and if it's even recent?

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