PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Furious to start an investigation & lay charges?

Am I in the wrong thread? :)

Edit: Or do you mean the arbitrators could investigate and charge the PL? Not sure they can do that. Although they can require the PL to investigate if it is relevant to the case ie showing discrimination and targeted action, I suppose.
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Furious to start an investigation & lay charges?
I await the statement from the Premier League that they will commence a full investigation of the 19 clubs given the information until they identify which red shirted team leaked it to the press. Or better still the Independent Tribunal commission a team of lawyers to carry out the investigation. The guilty party should be kicked out of the league lol. Fat chance of any of this happening.
The PL got permission from the arbitrators to inform the clubs of the claim, so they could contribute to the PL's defence. They needed this because the claim is supposed to be confidential. So if the PL sent it to someone who leaked it, it doesn't just reflect on the PL, but on the arbitrators as well.

I would imagine they are furious to have been treated like that.
I assume by arbitrator you mean whoever is heading up the "independant" panel hearing City's allegations and claim for damages into the legality of the clause introduced in February relating to "ATP's"

I assume that all clubs will be bound by a non disclosure agreement relating to this matter and also the confidentiality of City's written complaint. Whoever has leaked the details (and their club) have clearly breached confidentiality. I would be shocked if the info was not shared with the clubs on the basis of maintaining confidentiality meaning non disclosure

According to a tweet from Tolmie someone from Arsenal is responsible for this leak. Whoever it is should have charges brought against them (and whichever club is the guilty party) by the EPL. The leaks are reminiscent of the UEFA debacle and so tiresome.

I wonder if the PL wll launch an investigation into the leak and if so, will it come to a conclusion unlike the UEFA leak investigation.

Apologies if i've misunderstood any of this - I'm sure people will be along to correct me shortly :-)
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Won't go down well? The arbitrators will be absolutely furious. It reflects on them as much as on the PL. It was the arbitrators that gave permission for the PL to communicate with the clubs. They must be livid it has been leaked.
Surely they wouldn't have agreed to City's entire 165-page submission being circulated to every single PL Director. I could understand if a brief summary had been shown to those asked to provide their own evidence but to distribute the whole document before the hearing is just crazy and totally unfair to City. What a shit-show this has been by the PL.
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Has he? Just had a quick Google and can’t see anything. Probably just does during the season.
He's gone. Said he wanted to spend more time with his wife and family aka Mrs P and her 5 lovely daughters.

In reality it's like the old left by mutual consent to allow him to save face when Talkshite fired him.
Surely they wouldn't have agreed to City's entire 165-page submission being circulated to every single PL Director. I could understand if a brief summary had been shown to those asked to provide their own evidence but to disrtibute the whole document before the hearing is just crazy and totally unfair to City. What a shit-show this has been by the PL.

Hopefully, we agreed to it being circulated provided they were a) numbered and b) each one separately identifiable by a tiny individual marker in the text. That way the source of the circulated copy could be traced.

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