PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Getting conflicting signals from the rags on what relationship they want with City. Radcliffe is talking sense on the over regulation of the financial rules and at the same time United are writing witness statements for the Premier League for the current legal stand off we have with them.
Self interests will always be put first. Cant trust any of them.
Laying the groundwork for when the case collapses for a more cordial relationship with the rags and move masters on for Britain to take over. He is toast.
I’m sure Scudamore was Chairman AND Chief Exec at least for a time. I think your comment is correct.
I'm struck, not for the first time recently, by how far away wider discourse about FFP has got from "here to protect clubs from dodgy owners spending what they don't have" to "here to stop rich owners running away with the league". Regulation for the latter is going to be vastly different to the former, and we have ended up with a right regulatory mess.
What's interesting is City and the rags now both have seriously successful businessman.
Both know how to run and build successful relationships and businesses.
Both can see the pl is run by knobheads and its bonkers to try and stop investment coming into the league.
Both know it's bonkers, the best league in the world is trying to destroy itself.

The pl is running scared because they haven't got the brains to compleat against the world's top business people. But the pl is happy to do as the yank owners want.
United - hung by their own petard I believe.

I posted an overview of Swiss Rambles analysis of uniteds likely PSR figures shortly after they were knocked out of the CL last year as it seemed almost certain they would fail without CL income. That is of course unless they can secure a large amount of income from somewhere which means either increased sponsorship money or sales of assets. Not sure they have any hotels to sell so i suspected at the time players would go. I'll have to review the end of season numbers and see what the likely outcome is although I suspect scruffy Jim has just given us a clue.
Looking at the comments the rags don't seem to like Scuffy Jim or his views.

Personally I think he talks some sense, why are the pl trying to stop clubs spending money or trying to stop clubs competing against the best in Europe.
We're in the best position of any team, efficiently run, self financing and FFP compliant. City should have stuck and not challenged the PL. Leave the dippers, rags and all the other fookers struggling. City can carry the torch for England in Europe. Stuff the rest.
We're in the best position of any team, efficiently run, self financing and FFP compliant. City should have stuck and not challenged the PL. Leave the dippers, rags and all the other fookers struggling. City can carry the torch for England in Europe. Stuff the rest.
The core problem is that "the other fookers" don't want us to be self-financing and FFP compliant.
They have been allowed to reach this point because the press will just print what they feel that their consumers want to read/hear and the idea of journalistic integrity fell by the wayside along time ago, it is similar to the trump situation in the states in that it doesnt matter what is said or printed in opposition to him, his supporters will decry and debunk it because they need to believe in him, this is what is happening here, it does not matter what is said or printed here (see martin samuel talking sense) because the red tops etc need to believe that we are guilty its fundamental to them that they are special because they have been told they are forever and a day and if they have not just been beaten but annihilated by a club that hasnt cheated but was just more inventive, better run, cleverer than them then it shows that anyone can do it so they arent special, their history means nothing and they are no better than anyone else so it has to be because we have cheated and so it doesnt matter what is said or printed as it will make no difference to them as they dont want to confront that reality.
Yet another example of TDS!!

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