PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It’s not smugness. It’s about knowing a subject more than the other guy and then explaining this in a thought out manner to the same person.

A fella in a pub once tried to incorrectly explain my own PhD topic to me, and when I corrected him he called me a smug prick. Maybe, maybe not, but I knew the topic better than him. What can you do?
A fella in a pub once tried to incorrectly explain my own PhD topic to me, and when I corrected him he called me a smug prick. Maybe, maybe not, but I knew the topic better than him. What can you do?
Compared to 'Projectriver/Stefan', Jordan (together with his ilk in the media and all those brave internet keyboard warriors) is the very embodiment of Isaac Asimov's observation regarding the dumbing down of reasoned argument in these modern, social-media-led times:

'My ignorance is as good as your knowledge'
@terraloon .. Is there any substance to the allegations RA used Cyprus banks to make "off the books" payments for CFC ? Given the relentless amount of shite thrown at us, I'm not going to jump on any anti Chelsea bandwagon created by we all know who. I would trust your assessment. Along with Newcastle, Villa, West Ham and Everton, I suspect Chelsea are firmly in the red cartel's firing line.
I don’t claim to be in the know so can only base my opinion on what has been reported.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that many a club makes payment, arranges benefits or the like for players agents or the club .Boot money or the like has gone on for years. So in this instance pretty sure there isn’t smoke without fire. That said I would expect some of the allegations to be batted aside such as the engagement of a lawyer to look into / challenge FFP

I worked in taxation and in particular PAYE audit.

One story that was told me was that a team of auditors went to a particular employer and he left the premises with just a young office clerk to be on hand to supply tea etc .The audit lasted two days and literally nothing save a couple of simple things such as home to office mileage being paid tax free and money paid for Christmas parties being over the allowance.

As the audit team were packing up as a throw away comment the head of the team said “ Thanks for these can we now see the other set of records” With that the clerk went to another office and returned with another set of records ( cash ) in which the auditors established significant unpaid tax liabilities.

My point is that if things aren’t recorded in accounting records it complicates matters significantly.

To be fair I am surprised that the PL haven’t charged Chelsea having had full access to Chelsea’s records but without access to RAs records or indeed him matters will undoubtedly have been complicated significantly.

Of course the entity ( Chelsea) is still the same so ultimately it is the club that will have to pay but as I posted on here some months ago I would not be at all surprised if like the accord that was reached with UEFA such as a financial a settlement is the way forward with some of the £140 million still being held by Clearlake pending settlement of any regulatory matters that occurred under the previous owner.
I don’t claim to be in the know so can only base my opinion on what has been reported.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that many a club makes payment, arranges benefits or the like for players agents or the club .Boot money or the like has gone on for years. So in this instance pretty sure there isn’t smoke without fire. That said I would expect some of the allegations to be batted aside such as the engagement of a lawyer to look into / challenge FFP

I worked in taxation and in particular PAYE audit.

One story that was told me was that a team of auditors went to a particular employer and he left the premises with just a young office clerk to be on hand to supply tea etc .The audit lasted two days and literally nothing save a couple of simple things such as home to office mileage being paid tax free and money paid for Christmas parties being over the allowance.

As the audit team were packing up as a throw away comment the head of the team said “ Thanks for these can we now see the other set of records” With that the clerk went to another office and returned with another set of records ( cash ) in which the auditors established significant unpaid tax liabilities.

My point is that if things aren’t recorded in accounting records it complicates matters significantly.

To be fair I am surprised that the PL haven’t charged Chelsea having had full access to Chelsea’s records but without access to RAs records or indeed him matters will undoubtedly have been complicated significantly.

Of course the entity ( Chelsea) is still the same so ultimately it is the club that will have to pay but as I posted on here some months ago I would not be at all surprised if like the accord that was reached with UEFA such as a financial a settlement is the way forward with some of the £140 million still being held by Clearlake pending settlement of any regulatory matters that occurred under the previous owner.
Thanks for that. There is the additional 'dynamic' with Chelsea, i.e. the lawyer Bruce Buck who represented RA was on the Chelsea board and also worked for the PL, he headed up their exec recruitment committee. No City executive has ever been allowed over the threshold at the PL, so we have never had any inside influence whatsoever. Of course CFGs global plans are far more ambitious than CFC's at the current time, which is the main reason the PL have gone to war against us, oh and because we win far too much for their liking.
It will be interesting to see if the PL ever 'launch an investigation" into any of this. We have justifiably become border line paranoid, however if it was us I feel sure it would have been treated differently.
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