PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Reason is, we have been here before. We know the form.
1. UEFA investigatory chamber found us guilty but CAS, inter alia, said “City cannot hope to get a fair hearing while M.Leterme is in the chair”
He stayed in the chair. He was an ex director of Bayern, one of our accusers.
2. UEFA’s evidence consisted of Der Spiegel‘s version of some emails. Those mails were shown to have been manipulated by Der Spiegel. In any case, emails are evidence of a conversation but not of the action alleged. If I email you saying I am having an affair with Suzie Dent, that is not evidence that I am doing so. UEFA were warned in advance, but they carried on. Many of the PL’s charges are based on these emails, plus an extra one already shown to be forged.
3. UEFA’s attempt to recreate our accounts was done by a serving director of ManU.
4. The investigatory chamber included Rick Parry ex CEO of Liverpool, with still strong connections there. His long term contact proceeded to report confidential info in the New York Times. UEFA promised an Enquiry but never did it.
5. Ceferin, secretary general if UEFA tried twice to do a deal: pay a fine for non co-operation and we will drop the charges. He was told to do one.
6. The directors of Liverpool and MU have a nickname for CFG’s chief exec….the terrorist.
7. Liverpool sent a round robin to UEFA, signed by nine clubs, saying we should be banned before due process was complete.
8. Arsenal several years ago authored a round robin urging the PL to enforce their rules against us.
9. The PL Commission will be chaired by a man with strong Arsenal connections.
10. Our chairman maintains that this is a conspiracy “clear and organised” and that we will refute all allegations.
11. Many of the PL’s charges are based on non compliance with UEFA rules of which we have already been cleared. Are we to be retried for the same offences?
In the light of all this, and many other factors, we prefer to believe our club rather than a set of self serving wankers.
Well said sir,, brilliant answer
Nonetheless it’s rather stupid to appointment someone with a vested interest to an independent panel. Should things go badly it gives us an immediate stick to beat them with!
They won't give a shit about that. They are adamant that they get a guilty verdict - and they will. As for how they got there, who gives a fuck? Mission accomplished.
As a fan of another team, I find this very interesting. But what strikes me after reading a lot of this thread is that there's a lot of blame-game going on here. I've read a lot of blame towards other clubs, the FA and PL, but very few, if any, are talking about the real case and the substance in the accusations. If there's done something wrong, which the enquiry will find out, surely there has to be consequences?
I really don't know what kind of response you're expecting with such a thinly veiled post.

What you're expecting, is a forum full of City fans bashing the ownership and boardroom-management, before anything has been proven. There have been plenty of posts exploring that prospect if you'd bothered to look.

As for talking about "the real case and the substance in the accusations", you'll find more of that here than any of rival club forums. "Everyone knows" is considered a water tight argument with most of those fans. They keep waffling on about "inflated sponsorships" when that's got nothing to do with it either.

The fact of the matter is, nobody knows what evidence either side has. So substance is not applicable yet.

I'm still piecing together the specifics of what the PL are alleging. Some of us would rather leave it to the few members of this board who have some actual knowledge in this area first. If they aren't saying much and doing guesswork, then the rest of us are even less likely to get everything right at this stage.
Whether we’ve done something wrong or not, there are consequences. Do you really believe if City are found wholesale innocent, rival clubs, media members, rival fans, etc. aren’t going to say “Well, they got off because of xxxxx or yyyyy — they’re still cheats”? If this drags out and City are ultimately found innocent does it not hurt the club’s ability to sign players, attract sponsors, etc.?

City are irredeemable already in the eyes of all — and whomever you support, the fact is FFP was very specifically designed by already-strong clubs to hurt clubs like City. That’s irrefutable. No truly preventative measure set would EVER focus on net profitability vs. cash flow and debt were sustainability at the core.

If those are our violations vs. true legal accounting fraud, then do you think “punishment” should be different? Of course. Do you think the narrative will be? Nope.

Also the “substance in the accusations” is entirely unclear at the moment from the document we have — we are all of us speculating.
The only thing we are not
If this drags out and City are ultimately found innocent does it not hurt the club’s ability to sign players, attract sponsors, etc.?
I don't think it does, we have been under investigation for four years by the prem, been in court with UEFA twice and we have proceeded to have the most successful period of our clubs history and earn record breaking sponsorship amounts from all those UAE owned companies like Nissan, Nexen, Puma, Cadburys and so forth.
Reason is, we have been here before. We know the form.
1. UEFA investigatory chamber found us guilty but CAS, inter alia, said “City cannot hope to get a fair hearing while M.Leterme is in the chair”
He stayed in the chair. He was an ex director of Bayern, one of our accusers.
2. UEFA’s evidence consisted of Der Spiegel‘s version of some emails. Those mails were shown to have been manipulated by Der Spiegel. In any case, emails are evidence of a conversation but not of the action alleged. If I email you saying I am having an affair with Suzie Dent, that is not evidence that I am doing so. UEFA were warned in advance, but they carried on. Many of the PL’s charges are based on these emails, plus an extra one already shown to be forged.
3. UEFA’s attempt to recreate our accounts was done by a serving director of ManU.
4. The investigatory chamber included Rick Parry ex CEO of Liverpool, with still strong connections there. His long term contact proceeded to report confidential info in the New York Times. UEFA promised an Enquiry but never did it.
5. Ceferin, secretary general if UEFA tried twice to do a deal: pay a fine for non co-operation and we will drop the charges. He was told to do one.
6. The directors of Liverpool and MU have a nickname for CFG’s chief exec….the terrorist.
7. Liverpool sent a round robin to UEFA, signed by nine clubs, saying we should be banned before due process was complete.
8. Arsenal several years ago authored a round robin urging the PL to enforce their rules against us.
9. The PL Commission will be chaired by a man with strong Arsenal connections.
10. Our chairman maintains that this is a conspiracy “clear and organised” and that we will refute all allegations.
11. Many of the PL’s charges are based on non compliance with UEFA rules of which we have already been cleared. Are we to be retried for the same offences?
In the light of all this, and many other factors, we prefer to believe our club rather than a set of self serving wankers.
12. CAS ruled that the charge that our accounts were not a true and fair picture was fantasy, requiring a very wide conspiracy of hundreds of people who all kept quiet.
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