PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Disgusting how MSM is acting.It is out of control whipping up hysteria.

I got to thinking why would MSM be acting this way before City have even had their day.

If City were a Human facing charges and MSM was acting in this Biased nasty way.It would be viewed as prejudicing a Court Case.

It is really simple.

The Rag Tops know our day is going to be in front of a Kangaroo Court chaired and controlled by our enemies.That our guilt is already a foregone conclusion.

MSM have already been told this Nudge,Nudge,Wink,Wink.

That the Kangaroo Court is going to throw the metaphorical Kitchen sink at us sanction wise.3 year transfer Bans etc,and 15 points deductions etc.

They want to destroy our future not our past.This does not benefit the top 4 Clubs.

It is nothing more than a nasty malicious,vindictive, hate campaign by jealous American owned Clubs.Who envy all our achievements.

This will go exactly like the Cartel controlled UEFA case.

Premier League will reach out to us like UEFA did through back channels.Letting us know we are going to go Nuclear on your arses. There is no way you will win this case with us regardless of innocence.How about you agree to our deal ?

We will tell them to fuck off hopefully.Regardless of what they offer.

Right now we are already preparing for our day in the High Court where we will put it all out there.The ludicrous demands by an organisation made up of our enemies and competitors wanting exclusively looks way beyond the normal,in to our business models.So they can find out our inner workings and report valuable businesses information to their respective Clubs.

I can see now in my minds Eye the look on a Judges face when he finds out how the Premier League Mafia cartel is run.

I am avoiding all MSM for the sake of my Health.

Let them spew their Bile.

In my Head i am already at the High Court.And seeing writs flying around like confetti afterwards.

Premier League is finished.They just dont know it yet.This story ends with the much needed independent regulation of the Premier League.And the Cartel Clubs losing control of our game.They are the problem not City.
The concept of being innocent until proven guilty is lost on a lot of people. People act like we are in the Soviet Union
Interesting read. Rational, no hysterical hypotheticals about our death penalty. And not written by a City supporter. Would be good if some of the City supporting media types took note of the content and tone.

Interesting point in the article is that we’re the only club in the top 6 who favours an independent regulator and therefore at odds with the Premier League.
The i is not a bad paper on the whole.Has some quite good writers. Much fairer than say the Telegraph.
Just want to throw this one out there.

Over the past few days I have read numerous posts saying “I couldn’t sleep last night…..” etc so just wondering if ‘when’ City are exonerated could fans go after the Premier League for causing unecessary personal stress and anxiety?

Just curious, can any legal experts out there answer this?
Dangerous precedent. I could bankrupt City with the number of sleepless nights they've given me over the years.
I think you should have reasonable faith in the 3 man panel. They are going to be very serious career lawyers and judges who have bigger concerns than their own football fandom and know their work is likely going to be reviewed by one of the highest courts in the land and have a lot of public scrutiny.

It's similar to the CAS panel, not UEFA's kangaroo hearing.

Wish I had full faith in them.

I'm expecting the PL panel to be just as bad as UEFA's with a predetermined outcome.
Just want to throw this one out there.

Over the past few days I have read numerous posts saying “I couldn’t sleep last night…..” etc so just wondering if ‘when’ City are exonerated could fans go after the Premier League for causing unecessary personal stress and anxiety?

Just curious, can any legal experts out there answer this?

I slept like a log last night for the first time in ages. 9 hours in total. I'm quite the actor though so put me down as those of those affected and I'll put on a show.

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