PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I don’t know what everyone is worried about the majority of us has seen us win every domestic competition in England if we get put in division 2 so what we will still be there watching the blues I’m really not arsed about playing the dippers or scum ever again to be honest, let’s go to some real traditional grounds with proper supporters no tourists and a proper meat pie and pint all aboard the finglands coaches
@Indaparkside I've followed City since 68/69 as a young kid, as a teenager I did a few aways and a few a season as an adult. When we started being shit it became every weekend, season ticket, every away (bar Milwall ;-) )
Reserves, youth team the lot. Loved it.
Fuck the Hateful 8, the Premier League and the rest. If the only way they can win is by screwing us, fuck 'em. I love winning the league because it is a big fuck off to the Cartel but if they take it away....... Matlock here I come.
I've just put sky spors news on, just to see the hysteria.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Liverpool fan Vicky Gormlessall was wetting her pants because clarence the crossed eyed lion solekhol was saying some titles may go to other clubs.

I mean the only thing missing are pitch forks and the deliverence tune playing out, the witch hunt is off the scale.

And fuck you sky sports, they are absolutely in their element with this.

I think i'm beginning to see the sub plot to all this. We got the five wanker clubs who want us kicked out.

Am i right in saying all american owned, apart from spurs? I mean fuckin spurs, are they the kid at the back of the fight bouncing up and down screaming come on? That made me laugh.

Not one person in the media has joined the dots together with these cunts. They have called this on. 100%. Americans hating muslims, it's in their DNA.

I really hope we bring everyone down if we get shafted.

People living in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.
I hope our legal team are all over this.

Unbelievable that the Mail has published this story from a discredited source like Leterme. As the publisher they have left themselves wide open to being sued by City for defamation. In fact the Mail could face multiple actions from different Directors at City. Not naming them doesn't provide any protection. If City do sue them then the onus is on the Daily Mail to prove that fraud has taken place...good luck with that one. It's an open goal and I really hope that this time City decide to kick the ball into the net. The timing would be perfect to lay down a marker with the media at the start of what is going to be a long and damaging process.
Who could possibly be behind this?

Cui bono? (Classical Latin: [kui̯ ˈbɔnoː]), in English "to whom is it a benefit?", is a Latin phrase about identifying crime suspects. It expresses the view that crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators, especially financially.

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Shows how thick they are the investigation only goes upto 2017, so anything after they can fuck off anyway. The other teams and fans are like rabid dogs, this summer go and fucking blow a billion on players, show them we don’t give a shit.
It’s posts like this that makes it impossible to skip forward a few page

Reason is, we have been here before. We know the form.
1. UEFA investigatory chamber found us guilty but CAS, inter alia, said “City cannot hope to get a fair hearing while M.Leterme is in the chair”
He stayed in the chair. He was an ex director of Bayern, one of our accusers.
2. UEFA’s evidence consisted of Der Spiegel‘s version of some emails. Those mails were shown to have been manipulated by Der Spiegel. In any case, emails are evidence of a conversation but not of the action alleged. If I email you saying I am having an affair with Suzie Dent, that is not evidence that I am doing so. UEFA were warned in advance, but they carried on. Many of the PL’s charges are based on these emails, plus an extra one already shown to be forged.
3. UEFA’s attempt to recreate our accounts was done by a serving director of ManU.
4. The investigatory chamber included Rick Parry ex CEO of Liverpool, with still strong connections there. His long term contact proceeded to report confidential info in the New York Times. UEFA promised an Enquiry but never did it.
5. Ceferin, secretary general if UEFA tried twice to do a deal: pay a fine for non co-operation and we will drop the charges. He was told to do one.
6. The directors of Liverpool and MU have a nickname for CFG’s chief exec….the terrorist.
7. Liverpool sent a round robin to UEFA, signed by nine clubs, saying we should be banned before due process was complete.
8. Arsenal several years ago authored a round robin urging the PL to enforce their rules against us.
9. The PL Commission will be chaired by a man with strong Arsenal connections.
10. Our chairman maintains that this is a conspiracy “clear and organised” and that we will refute all allegations.
11. Many of the PL’s charges are based on non compliance with UEFA rules of which we have already been cleared. Are we to be retried for the same offences?
In the light of all this, and many other factors, we prefer to believe our club rather than a set of self serving wankers.
12. CAS ruled that the charge that our accounts were not a true and fair picture was fantasy, requiring a very wide conspiracy of hundreds of people who all kept quiet.
( sorry point#12 is out of place should be immediately below 11)
Brilliant summary that. It's frustrating that the club don't seem to be able to get any pick up of this side of things in the media.

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