PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

There is still for me the elephant in the room (unless I have missed it).

What are they going to talk about for 10 weeks.

CAS was 3 days (I believe we where confident we had won after the second).

PL must have some evidence that they are presenting you would imagine for at least 2 and 1/2 weeks. Is it a load of circumstantial with expert witness statements giving their view. A whistleblower seems highly unlikely at this point. The emails and whatever documents City have sent over.

Say even 6 hours a day that is 75 hours of presenting evidence against us.

What have they got to present?
It might not be 10 weeks solid - could be a day or two set aside each week I suppose

I'm guessing the PL will be bringing a hell of a lot more paperwork to the table than UEFA presented at CAS. Rumour has it that UEFA's evidence amounted to the sum total of the Der Spiegel articles......and, errrr, that's it! Having far more paperwork doesn't necessarily mean they have far more evidence than UEFA did though.
I'm lost in all of this now. No fucking idea what's going on. The only people in work who even mention it are two of the arrogant Rag types - the ones who don't go to games and supported them through Uni when they were successful. You could genuinely describe them as bitters. However, they're the ones who are very, very, very easy to wind up, so I quite enjoy it when they decide to interact about footie.
Does he actually mention anywhere in his piece the (very high) possibility that we will be cleared … and what will happen then

No. Nor does he set out on what basis the whole football family has decided City are guilty, so it means fuck all.

He does, however, mention that the feeling is that compensation claims won't work. Again, unsourced, though.

And he raises an important point about how the APT case can set the scene for the 115 case. But, again, as you can imagine, unsourced.
Fearing the worst. Hoping for the best.
Don't you see the bigger picture? This is exactly what the press and the media want, us being fearful and outraged at the alleged charges.

Have you heard of fraud? Do you know what happens when companies or businesses commit fraud? They get raided. Their chairmen and associates get arrested. Items get seized. Premises get shut down. It's headline news.

Have you seen any of that? Nope, me neither. Now in order for us to commit these crimes and keep quiet we've had to tell all of our sponsors to be in on it, we're asking them to jeopardise their name and their reputation. That's one big ask.
Absolutely nothing will come of this except that tosser masters and the usual anti city media wankers looking like prize plums come the end of it.
I am fascinated that Masters still feels the authority to comment when the matter is with the independent panel. By this stage, IMO, he should be keeping his mouth firmly closed so as not to prejudice either the details of the case, nor the speed of the process.

As for what is happening, we will know soon enough.
Good luck for the season ahead. Safe travels to all supporters.
If & i still think it's a big if, we are exonerated, the abuse will get even worse.
The gnashing of teeth & pure venom will be a sight to behold, we aint seen nothing yet
I'm looking forward to it. All the rag petals I know claim that we're not relevant and are easily ignored.

Yet, when the smear campaign goes up in gears, its pretty obvious that they think of City all the time. Rent free.
If the PL were confident of getting a conviction with the evidence they purportedly have to hand then surely they would have swiftly held their investigation and punished the club years ago. Instead it looks like their evidence is built like a flimsy house of cards and they are praying the whole thing doesn't collapse before their very eyes. They have to prove beyond reasonable doubt any or all of the charges they have proffered to the commission. All we have to do it show any evidence that casts doubt on any or all of the charges and I'm quietly confident we can do so.

However, with them bringing the case forward to September they have either found (or god forbid fabricated or manipulated) some more evidence or, as is more than likely, pandered to the red top cartel and their tagnut, sycophant clubs to allow them to sue the club before the statue of limitations prevents them doing so. They are now hoping not only for the club to be ruined on the field but financially ruined as well. A massive gamble on their part which, if it backfires and we are exonerated, will no doubt result in unprecedented and irrepairable financial and reputational damage to the PL and those clubs who tried to sue us. I still think the PL are looking to broker a deal to save face but we have had mire than enough of all their whining, insinuations and allegations that we are determined to clear our name.
What annoys me most about the media with regard to this, is that they have projected their own sense of rage at our success onto us fans.

It's as though somehow we deserve to have insults and allegations thrown at us simply for supporting our club and believing that we are innocent until proven otherwise.

The only conclusion I can reach, is that they are so bitter and twisted that any journalistic integrity has gone out of the window, such is the desire to justify their own clubs' lack of success, when compared to us.

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