PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The Cancelo and PL Charges and Quiet thread have merged into a singularity. This is dangerous shit. Run people. Save yourselves. Runnnnn!
Some years ago, ther was a Japanese scientist dealing with a small amount of fissionable material who moved one container a bit too close to another. Bang, Fire, fire.
Whoever is on this panel is stuck between a rock and a hard place. They have to nail City to a door to keep the court of public opinion in check which in the same time results in them accusing a head of state of mass industrial fraud. All hell will break lose which ever way it goes, the premier league has dropped a right bollock here.
I doubt if the panel consider the public reaction for more than 20 seconds.

Mods - can we have a sticky that explains in black and white the case is based on balance of probabilities.

The number of blues who don’t know this is staggering.


@Chris in London tried his best with this


Mods - can we have a sticky that explains in black and white the case is based on balance of probabilities.

The number of blues who don’t know this is staggering.
Ok smart arse. I’ll delete the post
Does he actually mention anywhere in his piece the (very high) possibility that we will be cleared … and what will happen then
This is a valid question.
Although perceived to be guilty of 115 transgressions in the court of public opinion, I believe that the independent (ahem) panel will reach a different conclusion and most, if not all, charges, will be marked "Return to Sender".
I just can't see that we're going to come out of a 10-week hearing smelling of roses. They'll get us for something, question is what exactly?
The CAS hearing was scheduled for 3 days, 5 days or a week, I cant remember which. But really once the panel had seen UEFA'S evidence it lasted 15 minutes and most of that was trying to read the spliced emails from Der Speigal as the sellotape had smudged the words. Dont worry, support City and if we get to see new grounds next season look on it as an adventure;-)
Trust in Khaldoons irrefutable evidence and Masters been a puppet and soon to be a sacrificial lamb on the red tops alter of doom.
I have just googled this:

“Matters requiring proof must be established to the appropriate standard, namely either on the balance of probabilities or beyond reasonable doubt.
In civil cases, the appropriate standard of proof is the balance of probabilities (or, in other words, whether the tribunal of fact is satisfied that it is more likely than not that the relevant facts occurred). In criminal cases, the appropriate standard of proof is beyond reasonable doubt (or, in other words, whether the tribunal of fact can be sure that the relevant facts have been proved).”

So, does anyone know where the standard of proof lies here? To me this sounds like a civil case, criminal sentencing is not on the line here, just the application of internal rules between a ruling body and its members. Of course our owners have clearly said they have irrefutable evidence proving our innocence and I have no reason to disbelieve that hence the answer to the question is immaterial, but it is important to understand.
Given the severity of the charges, and the potential penalties,I would say beyond reasonable doubt.
The charges are effectively saying we have committed fraud along with the auditors and several CEOs of global companies.

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