PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I can’t decide if old Magic hat is more or less obsessed about City (& Stefan) than Nick Harris…

Honestly must not have anything else to do with his time.
Course he/she doesnt, hes found an audience and the endorphins that attention brings are flowing and he/she will say anything to keep getting that hit, its like giving a lab rat treats till it explodes and in essence thats mostly what social media is a bunch of attention junkies pressing the button over and over hoping for a treat
I borrow from Criminal law. Even if the emails are evidence of Mens Rea, where’s the Actus Reus?
So many in the media don’t seem to understand this and think the emails are evidence of wrong doing. Actually, I don’t think they are decent evidence of intent but you can give the haters this as a sop, and then ask them where is the evidence of actual wrong doing? Is it in our accounts? Have you read them?

Has any journo ever asked rival execs who castigate us these questions?
No? So down the conspiracy hole you go.
Its actually both saddening and hilarious how many journos and rival fans are supposed experts in financial law but genuinely havent the first clue on what it entails and why wording and context are so important.
I have to say that the contributions on here over the last few hours have brought to the debate a degree of knowledge, reflection and consideration of context which is entirely absent from discussion of the matter elsewhere. Bluemoon is considering the evidence available to all but those on the inside of the matter: therest (especially the media) are prey to hysteria. An example is Bajkowski's latest offering in the MEN. He claims to be sharing with us the "prediction" made by prof Rob Wilson, " a football finance expert", on the outcome of the IC's proceedings. And City are in for "a significant sanction in terms of a financial penalty, a fairly big apology from City for not disclosing information when they should have done." This will be "a bit of an egg on the face from their perspective" but he " can't imagine how they would be relegated out of the division." All this is because City have "probably sailed very, very close to the wind."

The difficulty is that Wilson appears to have no evidence at all for what he says and he doesn't appeat to think he needs any! This is not a rational view based on dispassionate consideration but "a gut feeling". City have denied all the charges, denied any wrong doing and actually say they have irrefutable evidence to support these claims, but the well educated gut of the professor knows better. Can Lord Pannick possibly triumph over a professorial gut?!

The forces lined up against us are the most formidable since a domestic pet predicted German victory at the world cup of 2006.
Course he/she doesnt, hes found an audience and the endorphins that attention brings are flowing and he/she will say anything to keep getting that hit, its like giving a lab rat treats till it explodes and in essence thats mostly what social media is a bunch of attention junkies pressing the button over and over hoping for a treat

Sounds like he’s one of those political types ala panja ala Harris that has a problem with ‘human rights’ ‘use’ et al
I have said this all along, the ongoing narrative since the sheikh took over has been three things, the first one was the sheikh will get bored and go away and when that didnt happen it was the narrative that they only win because they spend loads of money and then when they spent loads of money and we carried on winning then it went to it must be that they have cheated.

They cant wrap their heads round the idea that any club with better ideas, more qualified people and more vision can come along and not only emulate what they have done but surpass it so we must be cheating, for them we have to be cheating because if we have done what we have done without cheating it blows the idea that they are special out of the water, it shows that their legacy and their history means exactly nothing, it proves that ANY club can do what they have done with the right people and to their fans and their whole belief system that would be devastating because they really do believe that they are special and for CITY and specifically LICKLE CITY as they have always mocked us with to show that they aint special and that they are just another washed up company trading on when they used to be good is too much for their feeble minds to take so we had to be cheating right?

Wrong and the quicker they get used to the idea that the red tops aint special the less painful this will be for them but you know what i dont want them to get used to the idea i want them to cling that belief till we destroy every last bit of it.
Brilliant post mate.
It’s actually both saddening and hilarious how many journos and rival fans are supposed experts in financial law but genuinely havent the first clue on what it entails and why wording and context are so important.
You can understand with the average low IQ rag, dipper & arse fans but it makes you wonder what so called educated journalists do all day,

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