PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Now the dust as slightly settled.

Football as we know it is about to change. Similar to the world we live in.

We are in big trouble & im not sure why & we probably will never know. Politics at play with the league & other clubs.

The fact so many clubs have said they want us out is bizarre when you look at the cash utd, Newcastle & Chelsea are throwing around.

They want this City project stopped now & will go out with guns blazing to stop it.

The prem league lose this battle then the brand is damaged forever, I actually think if they win & the brand is damaged. Makes it even more strange what they are doing now in middle of a season. Nobody wins from this.

I’m really not sure where this will leave our beloved City but I do see us being charged. 100% fine & heavy point deduction & sadly I do see a relegation thrown in too.

Bizarre times. We might be seeing the last of pep to so I hope his song is loud for the rest of the season.
I see your post is as upbeat as your match day thread ones are ;)
Wouldn’t like to be in the trenches with you jimmy ffs
Damned if we don't and damned if we do though aren't we.

In everyone's eyes if we are found guiltybits 'see, they did it' and if we are found not guilty 'we knew they'd just buy there way out of trouble'

Meanwhile Chelsea have spent another £500m and done nothing wrong!

I'd love us to sue and beat the prem and all the clubs for lible but it's not going to happen. May as well just get it out of the way and move on.
We should all chip in a few quid to get the £8k to have an hour with this lawyer and ask if we can sue the premier league for lost sleep. It'll be a waste of money, and he'll laugh his arse off for 58 of those minutes, but it might endear him to the club.
Compensation, for lost sleep???
He,ll think hes talking to dipper fans mate.
Damned if we don't and damned if we do though aren't we.

In everyone's eyes if we are found guiltybits 'see, they did it' and if we are found not guilty 'we knew they'd just buy there way out of trouble'

Meanwhile Chelsea have spent another £500m and done nothing wrong!

I'd love us to sue and beat the prem and all the clubs for lible but it's not going to happen. May as well just get it out of the way and move on.
I feel very confident in the owners mate , chin up

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