PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think it’s because many of us have no knowledge of these proceedings but have recently been able to see Post, & Covid enquiries. You even see Masters asked “Warrabout City” by the select committee so it kind of fills us with hope, no matter how fanciful.
An enquiry/select committee is not the same as this. Cross examination is very careful and planned rather than open ended and looking at seeing what the witness may come out with.
Probably not. I agree.
However, the 'stop City whatever it takes' brigade should be brought to book, but have City got the resolve to go into other battles after this?
Suspect our compensation claims will be carefully targeted - City won't want to damage their own profitability or the long term growth of the business they've invested in.
Wide range of outcomes. IC could conclude lots of different things from very serious to a minor or non-cooperation. Smaller, technical breaches are possible but so are serious ones. Very hard to know until we see the decision
I did jury service about 15 years ago now, It was actually a murder case I was on, and despite more than half of my fellow jury members believing there was a good chance the suspect was guilty we just did not have enough clear evidence to find them guilty,

Also in between breaks of being called back into the courtroom ( of which there was a lot as the judge loved to call for a break every 2 hours lol) I got speaking to people on jury service on another case and some of them had lost there jobs as they had been on this particular fraud case for over over 6 months,

Apparently fraud cases are the worse ones for coming to a conclusion as there is usually so many people involved, money trails, different accounts, different countries, various forms of communication, that in the end quite a few of the cases end up collapsing or the people involved being given a not guilty verdict

I always remember the judge and his closing speech to us jury members before we left for the deliberation room, he said ( you must be 100% in your decision, if there is any shed of doubt then you must return a not guilty verdict)

I wonder if this independent panel will work to the same remit, if not 100% in us being guilty then they have to drop all the charges against us,

I actually think that if we get cleared on the main 3 charges then the rest will collapse,

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